Avoid all of the Highkeep guards. Sometimes this means waiting for one or more to path away from you.
If you are spotted by a guard, you'll be detained and taken to The Storeroom Office ( 148, -124, 122 ) Copy/waypoint 148, -124, 122, and have to work your way back after killing the guard.
Gnomish Stilts and a Feather Fall Cloak may be useful.
Find Kildiun.
Travel to the Lift to Highhold ( -109, -160, -65 ) Copy/waypoint -109, -160, -65 and go to the Stocks Ledge at the top.
Stay on the rocks at the edge so the guards won't see you. When you near the doorway, wait for both guards to fall asleep.
It's also possible to kill the pair of guards, so long as you aren't spotted by the roving Captain.
Go through the Store Room and Keg Storage to the southwest. Each has wandering guards that you must watch until they're well past, then dash to the next corridor.
Speak to Kildiun in the Chow Hall ( -186, -71, 110 ) Copy/waypoint -186, -71, 110.
Kildiun will give you the key you need if you'll fetch him a bottle of Jaestern's Prestige Reserve.
Head back towards the lift
Just outside the doorway (where hopefully the guards are asleep!) there are four explosive barrels of gunpowder ( -165, -101, -29 ) Copy/waypoint -165, -101, -29.
Move a barrel to the top of the ramp near ( -113, -100, -85 ) Copy/waypoint -113, -100, -85.
The guards patrolling the ramp will trigger the explosion. If one barrel does not kill both guards, go get another barrel and repeat.
Grab the bottle of Jaestern's Prestige Reserve ( -41, -122, -81 ) Copy/waypoint -41, -122, -81.