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Everling Wrap of Bound Souls
Item 381
White Adornment Slot White Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Black Adornment Slot 
163 Primary Attributes 163 Stamina
31% Haste
31 DPS
53% Crit Chance
9.7% Crit Bonus
9.7%  Potency
8.9 Spell Reuse Speed
Slot Waist
Level 93 (Tier 10)
Obtain: From the Ornate Chest of A Soul Binding in Harrow's End: Baleful Dominion (Heroic).

\aITEM -967260501 984783425 0 0 0:Everling Wrap of Bound Souls\/a \aITEM -967260501 984783425 0 0 0:Everling Wrap of Bound Souls\/a
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