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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Jarsath Wastes
Introduced Rise of Kunark
Journal Level 80 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Jarsath Wastes more
How to Start Speak to Commander Glish at ( -1423, 217, 1363 ) Copy
part of: Jarsath Wastes Timeline
Preceded by:
Skyfire Exterminator
Followed by:
Workin' the Docks

What does this information mean?


  1. Escort 3 captured troppers back to Commander Glish.
    • Go to the encampment north-east of Commander Glish. ( -1827, 223, 807 ) Copy
    • Open a cage door and use Legion of Danak Marching Orders on a captured trooper.
    • Return to Commander Glish. ( -1423, 217, 1363 ) Copy
      • Only one captured trooper can be escorted at a time.
      • You do not have to physically escort the captured trooper. Once they are leashed, you can mount and go straight to Commander Glish.
      • If in a group, each person has to bring back their own captured trooper.
  2. After returning all three, speak with Commander Glish again.


  • Completing this quest gives +12500 faction with Legion of Danak
  • At least 1p 5g