What does this information mean?
- Escort 3 captured troppers back to Commander Glish.
- Go to the encampment north-east of Commander Glish. ( -1827, 223, 807 ) Copy/waypoint -1827, 223, 807
- Open a cage door and use Legion of Danak Marching Orders on a captured trooper.
- Return to Commander Glish. ( -1423, 217, 1363 ) Copy/waypoint -1423, 217, 1363
- Only one captured trooper can be escorted at a time.
- You do not have to physically escort the captured trooper. Once they are leashed, you can mount and go straight to Commander Glish.
- If in a group, each person has to bring back their own captured trooper.
- After returning all three, speak with Commander Glish again.
- Completing this quest gives +12500 faction with Legion of Danak
- At least 1p 5g