Matron of Mist is located at ( 168, -227, -1128 ) Copy/waypoint 168, -227, -1128 and is spawned by clearing mist spren.
Knockup, fight in water.
Anzarion is located at ( 137, -181, -841 ) Copy/waypoint 136.65, -180.77, -841.33
Use flower ("Pollen Launcher") at ( 111, -186, -797 ) Copy/waypoint 111, -186, -797 to Honeycomb Landing. Daishani, an / the Efreeti Emir, is located at ( -675, 403, -162 ) Copy/waypoint -675, 403, -162, the ramp up to the left in The Honey Larder.
Tuck in corner, knock up.
Take bird at ( -324, 451, -149 ) Copy/waypoint -324, 451, -149. Then destroy the Honeymonger Stash at ( -655, 525, -325 ) Copy/waypoint -655, 525, -325, so Bzzkill the Honeymonger cames up ( -648, 523, -315 ) Copy/waypoint -648, 523, -315
Interrupt when he calls for it.
The Bixel Queen, Aurorax in ( -508, 641, -175 ) Copy/waypoint -508.00, 641.00, -175.00 3 ways to kill her:
Kill the guards, watchout that you don't fall then kill the queen (slowest way to do the fight)
Attack the queen directly. every x% one of the guards will protect her (absorbs 100% damage) means damaging the named kills the guard. (mistaken often as the burn strat)
Attack the queen directly, but instead of waiting for the guard to protect her engage the guards right away and at least 2 at the time because each is absorbing 100% of the damage means you kill multiple guards at once in the time you would need to kill 1 guard. The named stays at 100% till all guards are dead then you the queen from 100% to dead without a guard taking over. (the actual burn strat)