This is the TSO Armor Set (Tier 1) for: Enchanters ( Coercer, Illusionist ) that can be obtained via the Void Shard Mission System. .
These pieces are available for vendor purchase from a mysterious Quellthulian, designated as the <Shard Armor Merchant> in Moors of Ykesha at the Dropship Landing Zone ( 1680, 452, 894 ) . They can also be created by crafters.
Once purchased, this armor can subsequently be upgraded to the TSO Armor Set (Tier 2): Spellbound Sorcery (Armor Set)
Armor Piece | Cost |
Enthralling Silk Gloves |
Enthralling Silk Hood |
Enthralling Silk Mantle |
Enthralling Silk Pantaloons |
Enthralling Silk Robe |
Enthralling Silk Slippers |
Note that the Void Shard costs in the above table are for vendor purchase. If purchased from a crafter, each piece costs one void shard less.