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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Reign of Shadows
Journal Level 120 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Shadeweaver's Thicket more
How to Start Speak to Hulda Flintbraid in The Bazaar at ( -116, -1, 19 ) Copy
part of: Reign of Shadows Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
The Grandiose Wordsmith Pursuance
Followed by:
Dark Side of the Dark Side
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?

Materials Needed[]


  • This quest will require harvesting OR possessing the above mentioned rares. Due to a bug that has been reported, you cannot possess some and harvest others when you reach that step. You must either possess ALL of them before reaching that step, or harvest ALL of them after reaching that step. If you want to take the easy route, be sure to have everything listed in your bags before you go talking to Nuniun. You may harvest them or purchase them, so long as you have them before you speak to Nuniun.
    • EDIT: As of October 13th, 2024, this bug is STILL in effect. Make sure you have the rares you need in your inventory BEFORE you start Step 6 to avoid needing to restart this quest in the series. You can mail the items from another character and you get the updates.
  • If you forget, just delete the quest and start over; if you have already harvested the mandible, it will stay in your inventory and will not make you repeat that step.
  • UPDATE: on 7th December 2024 I was able to buy rares from broker and harvest rare items at the same time and getting my update.


  1. Enter Shadeweaver's Thicket at ( -355, 92, 178 ) Copy in City of Shar Vahl. You can use one of 3 Spirit of the Vah Shir travel baubles you received from previous quest.
  2. Speak to Enolyn Felwater of Nuniun's Scouting Party ( -448, 158, -798 ) Copy. She will give you a travel bauble that will transport you to Nuniun.
  3. Find Nuniun Wolfbane in Shadeweaver's Thicket atop a cliff to the east of Vex Thal-132, 220, 495 ) Copy
    • Alternatively, travel overland through Shadeweaver's Thicket then use the rope line at ( -287, 157, 477 ) Copy near Vex Thal to reach Nuniun's camp.
  4. Speak to Nuniun and listen to his story. If you did not do the tradeskill signature quest line from the Luclin expansion, Nuniun will ask you to make him one Three-Rockhopper Egg Omelet. You will be given the ingredients and can make it at the nearby campfire.
    • Note: If you have already completed the Luclin tradeskill signature quest line this step will be skipped.
  5. Procure an intact shadeweaver mandible.
    • Find a recent shadeweaver kill at ( 172, 91, 132 ) Copy. Not trackable.
  6. Obtain the remaining materials to make the signalling horn for Niniun.
  7. Speak to Nuniun and receive the Nuniun's Signaling Horn recipe.
  8. Craft Nuniun's Signaling Horn using a Work Bench
  9. Return to Nuniun.
  10. Investigate a reading from a device near Vex Thal-75, 200, 508 ) Copy.
  11. Attempt to calibrate the device.
  12. Get ported to Vex Thal: (Tradeskill)


  • Wall of Nope
  • 9p 34g 83s 19c
  • If you have a flight capability, it will be available to you after this quest and you should be able to fly back to the top of the cliff instead of using the rope or needing a Call-Of-Shade potion.


Soe logo white EQ2i credits posts in this thread written by Twyla at the SOE/DBG Forums for some of the information in this article.
