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- This is a master quest list that excludes any holiday/event related quests.
- All quests listed here, unless noted, can be started and completed as of June 2018.
Welcome to the Enchanted Lands! Whether you're fresh from The Thundering Steppes or stumbling in from Nektulos Forest, there is plenty more adventure to be had here. This is land of the halflings, who had been the dominant sentient race in these parts until strange demonic invaders began to flood it in the aftermath of The Age of Cataclysms. The halflings need your help in defeating these demonic foes, as well as curbing the villainous intent of The Runnyeye Goblins and the trickery of the Darkflight Fairies. Start your journey from the Lost Village of Bobick and cleanse the Encanted Lands of corruption before making your climb to liberate Rivervale from more of the same threats. Good luck!
This timeline covers solo quests for levels 30-40 in The Enchanted Lands. Some of these quests may require you to hunt in Rivervale, but they all start in the Enchanted Lands.
Former Access Quest[]
Starts with: Daisy Winterhope in Nektulos Forest at ( 773, -1, -177 )
NPC Quests[]
Leatherfoot Brigade Series[]
Starts with Deputy Nettlebrine at ( 26, -1, 20 )
- [30] Start of Something Big - rewards lvl 30 earring
- [31] Surveyor Says - rewards lvl 30 bracelet
- [32] What's This Thing Do? - rewards 1H weapon
- [32] Sanity Check - rewards charm
- [32] Halt, Who Goes There? - rewards forearms armor
- [33] Stolen Jum Jum - rewards head armor
- [33] I Know Nothing, Nothing! - rewards cloak
- [33] A Deputy's Dog
- [34] Trainer Woes - rewards ring
- This quest and the following ones in the timeline can be started from here without completing the prerequisites. However, for story purposes, the prerequisites should still be completed.
- [34] It's Not the Water - rewards feet armor
- [35] A Thousand Words - rewards earring
- [35] Plan the Fundraiser - rewards shoulders armor
- Unlocks the quests listed below. Their completion is not required to unlock the following quests in this series and they can be completed in any order.
- [35] I Hate Fundraisers
- [35] I Hate the Hole in the Wall
- [35] I Hate Old Plans
- [36] I Hate Those Wimmin
- Unlocks the Leatherfoot Tales Quest Series found in the Rivervale Timeline
Bumblethorn Patch[]

Do you have what it takes to restore the Misty Thicket to it's former beauty?
Starts with Sir Tatters at ( 283, 1, -116 )
- [30] In Defense of the Flower Patch - rewards ring
- [35] The Last Straw - rewards legendary ring
- [35] The Moppet Master - rewards legendary forearms armor
- [35] A Small Matter of Bristles - rewards legendary off-hand or 2H weapon
Other NPC Quests[]
- [30] The Curious Augur's Three Meanings of Life - obtained from The Curious Augur ( -4, 4, 66 )
- [30] Drodo's Goodies - rewards hands armor; obtained from Augin Drodo ( 47, 2, 29 )
- [30] Helping Sarma Singebellows - limited repeatable; obtained from Sarma Singebellows ( -193, -3, -260 )
- [30] Hunting Local Enchanted Creatures - limited repeatable; obtained from Kelbri Mossborn ( 24, -3, 48 )
- [35] Document Retrieval - obtained from Captain Gullyshank ( 316, 18, -412 )
- [35] Lousy Fairies - rewards bracelet; obtained from Gubbo Chaley ( -42, 1, 46 )
- [35] Late for Supplies - rewards belt; obtained from Seher Beanbrewer ( 287, 5, -213 )
Dropped Quests[]
The following can be dropped by any monster in the zone:
- [30] Ethereal Tabard
- [30] Far Seas Requisition ENC0457
- [30] Far Seas Requisition ENC0679
- [30] Far Seas Requisition ENC0699
- [30] Far Seas Requisition ENC0825
- [36] Far Seas Requisition ENC0745
- [40] The Whispering Pines
The following have specific drop requirements:
- [34] The Sweet Taste of Fairy Dust - unlimited repeatable; dropped from a Darkflight savage; possibly dropped by the other Darkflight Fairies and/or the sirens along the coast
- [35] The Bounties of the Sea - dropped from Darkflight Fairies and possibly the sirens along the coast
- [35] Slaying the Defiled Villagers - dropped from any of the corrupted halflings around ( 412, 1, -523 )
- [36] Blighted Heart Guard - dropped from lamia thrashers
- [36] Goblin Rotgut - unlimited repeatable; dropped from Runnyeye mercenaries and Runnyeye seers
- [35] Stopping the Grimmin Plan - dropped from any grinnin
- [36] Vivid Foliage - dropped from gnarled creepers
Examined Quests[]

Apparently, no one told demons that staring is impolite.
- [32] Enchanted Creature Culling - examine a map on the wall at ( 43, 1, 47 )
- [33] Hunting for the Briarpaw Bag - examine a canvas sack at ( 208, 9, -257 )
- [34] Ferocious Fish - examine a rubble pile underwater at ( 287, -36, 3 )
- [34] Poisonous Tails in the Poisoned Vale - examine a pile of logs at ( 298, 0, -291 )
- [34] Silence the Void Shrillers and Shriekers - examine a bucket of fish at ( -289, -1, -558 )
- [35] The Barnacled Chest - examine a chest at ( 452, -6, -206 )
- [35] A Barrel of Locks - examine a barrel at ( 132, -1, -496 )
- [35] Last Diary Entry - examine a bookshelf at ( -8, 3, -624 )
- [35] The Locked Lamia Chest - examine a chest at ( -107, -5, -1130 )
- [35] A Pollution Solution - examine a chimney at ( 490, 4, -609 )
- [36] A Miner Problem - examine a wheelbarrow at ( 392, -1, -944 )
- [37] The Lamia Thrasher Threat - examine a bench at ( -783, -5, -969 )
- [38] Sour Soils - examine a barrel at ( -774, -1, -653 )
Bootstrutter Quests[]
- [35] Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to Far Shire - examine the pillar at ( 282, 27, -620 )
- [35] Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to Fay Shire - examine the pillar at ( -391, 25, -657 )
- [35] Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to Gobland - examine the pillar at ( 425, 26, -950 )
- [35] Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to South Mist - examine the pillar at ( -187, 5, -54 )
Book Quests[]
- [32] The Blood of the Bear, Part Two
- [33] The Blood of the Bear, Part Three
- [40] Enchanted Lands Creature Cataloging
Heritage Quests[]
- [40] Foomby's Stolen Goods - obtained from Foomby Slopdigger ( -685, 0, -638 )
- [40] The Reaching Blade of the Assassin - obtained from Leelav Yekl ( 220, 0, -53 )
Other Quests[]
These quests involve the Enchanted Lands, but are not necessarily part of the timeline:
- [32] Watch Your Step in the Thundering Steppes, Part IV - connects Thundering Steppes Timeline to this timeline
- [38] Of Sea, Sails and Slumber - part 2 of the former Everfrost access quest
- [Scales] Home Cooking - obtained from Duggin Brandywine in The Thundering Steppes at ( -469, -21, -405 )
The following Racial History Quests complete in the Enchanted Lands:
- [30] History of the Barbarians, Part III
- [30] History of the Feir'Dal, Part III
- [30] History of the Gnomes, Part III
- [30] History of the Halflings, Part III
- [30] History of the Ratonga, Part III
- Enchanted maple leaves collection
- Pristine shards collection
- Rivervale coins collection
- Shiny shards collection
The following collections used to be regular book quests, but were changed into tome collection quests. In-game they appear as pages on the ground instead of a shiny:
- Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part I
- Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part II
- Fauna of the Enchanted Lands A - K
- Fauna of the Enchanted Lands L - Z
- The Storm Shepherds - Darnalithenis of Felwithe
- The Storm Shepherds - Gremius Hazzengrav
- The Storm Shepherds - Tammin Whipperwillow
- The Storm Shepherds - The Calm
- The Storm Shepherds - The Downpour
- The Wall
Named Monsters[]
Removed Quests[]
- A Menace to Berrybrook
- The Curse of the Bloody Shank
- Grenthial's Madness
- Grenthial's Meeting
- Grenthial's Plan
- Grenthials Request
The following were former dropped item quests. Technically the quests remain in the game, but the quest starters no longer drop:
- The Grain Grog Run
- Bad Halfling No JumJum
- Buzz Beer
- Dirty Fairies
- Justice, Decades Too Late
- Stinking Badgers
- Treachery
- Worst Kind