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Empowered Elemental Ring
Item 606
White Adornment Slot Green Adornment Slot Orange Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
55 Primary Attributes 55 Stamina
400  Resistances 22 Combat Skills
7.3% Haste
7% Max Health
3.2% Crit Chance
1.1% Crit Bonus
5.1%  Potency
Slot Finger
Level 80 (Tier 9)
Obtain: This item can be purchased from Awnya N'Kval, a Najena's Elemental Jeweler vendor in Lavastorm for Aggressive Elemental Ring, Rumbling Ring and 1p 50g

\aITEM -1054254292 -206866891 0 0 0:Empowered Elemental Ring\/a \aITEM -1054254292 -206866891 0 0 0:Empowered Elemental Ring\/a
What does this information mean?

This armor piece is one of a set but the Armor Set page, Crippling Assault (Level 79) (Rumbling) (Armor Set), does not yet exist.

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