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Empowered Cloak of the Lucanic Priest
This cloak was presented to you by the Overlord himself for your outstanding service to the city of Freeport!
Item 2384
White Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
64 Primary Attributes 64 Stamina
23 Combat Skills
3.8% Crit Chance
1.4% Crit Bonus
6.2%  Potency
3.1% Casting Speed
Slot Cloak
Level 90 (Tier 10)
Obtain: Reward from the quest "Your Eternal Reward".

\aITEM -416642046 1933302780:Empowered Cloak of the Lucanic Priest\/a \aITEM -416642046 1933302780:Empowered Cloak of the Lucanic Priest\/a
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