What does this information mean?
- You may not receive all of the thermite briquettes needed for this quest on one run through the zone.
- The quest is listed as heroic but can be soloed
- You receive an Inert Doomfire Purifying Rune when you click on the corrupted fire to start the quest.
- Take the teleporter at ( 260, -20, -285 ) Copy/waypoint 260, -20, -285 to the Elemental Portal Gallery. Use the fire portal at ( 728, 412, -336 ) Copy/waypoint 728, 412, -336 to enter Doomfire: Elements of Rage [Solo].
- Progress through the zone. (See Doomfire: Elements of Rage [Solo] for strategies).
- Kill wilders, fire wasps, nilborien, or embernauts to obtain 19 thermite briquettes.
- These are common drops. One is dropped for each party member.
- Use the Inert Doomfire Purifying Rune from the quest helper to recieve the Imbued Doomfire Purifying Rune and open the Portal to Corilac Tower at ( 371, 112, 463 ) Copy/waypoint 371, 112, 463
- After killing Firemonger Rosnarga, use the Portal to Corilac Tower at ( 371, 112, 463 ) Copy/waypoint 371, 112, 463.
- Click on The Corilac Embergem
The Corilac Embergem
at ( -170, 20, -418 ) Copy/waypoint -170, 20, -418.