Journal Category | Signature |
Introduced | Chaos Descending |
Journal Level | 110 (Tier 12) |
Journal Difficulty | Heroic |
Starting Zone | Myrist, the Great Library more |
How to Start | Speak to Maelin Starpyre at ( 244, -7, -24 ) |
What does this information mean?
The zone for this quest, Ward of Chaos Elements, is a solo zone. If you are grouped, you will each get your own instance.
- Use the portal at ( 298, -5, -116 ) in Myrist, the Great Library to enter Ward of Chaos Elements.
- Travel to the Ward of Wind and Frost at ( -95, -377, -1 ) and kill an icecrete rumbler and collect an Icecrete Shield
- Travel to the Abandoned Garrison at ( -198, -376, 179 ) and kill chillsoot dervishes and to collect 4 chillsoot embers that they drop on the ground.
- Return to the zone entrance at ( -112, -354, 95 ) and right click to throw chillsoot ember at Glimmerghast to make him aggro. You may need to throw more than one.
- Kill Glimmerghast, the fog archon to open the barrier at ( -211, -354, 94 ) .
- Use the Icecrete Shield before and periodically during the fight to receive less damage, recast time is 12.5 seconds.
- Travel to the Ward of Floods and Storms at ( -191, -329, 155 )
- Kill a shock tempest and collect a Fulgurite Strike.
- Kill 4 ballast stone rumblers and place the bodies in the south part of the pool at ( -92, -329, 207 ) , the water at the far end of the wooden walkway.
stone rumbler corpse placement
- Kill Cursemuck, the mud golem.
- Use the Fulgurite Strike to strip Cursemuck's damage reduction buff called Slippery Defense.
Slippery Defense
- Reapply the Fulgurite Strike when Cursemuck emotes that he shakes off the fulgurite.
- Use the Fulgurite Strike to strip Cursemuck's damage reduction buff called Slippery Defense.
- Travel to the Ward of Earthen Might at ( -248, -355, 10 ) .
- Kill a stormstone twister to collect a Wellstone Spout.
- Note: The twisters have a big knockback, so you may want to clear them to avoid being kicked into the hole or the lava.
- Note: There are half a dozen of them and they respawn. It may take 4, 5, or more kills to get the Wellstone Spout.
- Kill all of the flamestone furies in order to raise the stone bridges to Blazeanger's island.
- Kill Blazeanger, the lavawurm golem at ( -273, -440, -77 ) to remove the barrier at ( -339, -375, 125 ) .
- Fight him on the small island he stands on.
- The bridges to the center island fall when he is engaged and he leashes if pulled to the outer circle.
- Use the Wellstone Spout to damage Blazeanger.
- Reapply the Wellstone Spout when Blazeanger emotes that his ill temper is back.
- Use a chunk of Blazeanger on the ground to exit the island.
a chunk of Blazeanger
- Travel to Ward of Fire and Flame at ( -309, -381, 184 ) , collect 5 cinder gems (the red crystals on floor), also collect 4 tattered paper, and kill all wildfires in the room.
Tattered Paper
Cinder Gem
- Travel to the Totality of Knowledge at ( -401, -402, 90 ) and gather the Filtered Breath scroll in the room.
Filtered Breath Scroll
- Kill all wildfires.
- Click the Fires of Knowledge at ( -401, -402, 64 ) to throw in the papers and gems, spawning Cinderstench.
Fires of Knowledge
- Kill Cinderstench, the smoke archon to remove the barrier at ( -417, -391, 126 ) .
- Use Filtered Breath when you see the emote, A Toxic Mist overwhelms your senses. "fills the air with toxin."
- Travel to the Atrium of Chaos at ( -467, -407, 126 ) and kill all of the chaos storms to activate the lift at ( -490, -408, 125 ) . Once active, click the lift.
- Defeat Lady Najena
- Approach Lady Najena at ( -498, -179, 114 ) and listen to her before she becomes aggro.
- Note: use Icecrete Shield scroll through the entire fight, to reduce the damage taken by 75% and to cast while running
- Note: use Filtered Breath scroll through the entire fight, to heal and restore your power
- At various percentages of her health, Najena becomes immune to damage and summons one of her elementals. Kill the elemental, then return DPS to Najena.
- At 85% health, she summons Glimmerghast. Use the Icecrete Shield to defeat him.
- At 65% health, she summons Cursemuck. Use the Fulgurite Strike to defeat him.
- At 45% health, she summons Blazeanger. Use the Wellstone Spout to defeat him.
- At 25% health, she summons Cinderstench. Use Filtered Breath to defeat him.
- At 5% health, Najena becomes immune and says '"Who will Norrath turn to when the inevitable shissar invasion begins now? You will regret your actions this day, pet. This I promise!", then disappears.
Najena - Ward of Chaos Elements
- Approach Lady Najena at ( -498, -179, 114 ) and listen to her before she becomes aggro.
- Speak to Maelin Starpyre at ( 244, -7, -24 ) in Myrist, the Great Library.
- Doomfire, the Burning Lands Raid Key
- Breastplate Based on Class
- Blazeplate Chestguard -- plate
- Pyrelink Cuirass -- chain
- Infernal Leather Tunic -- leather
- Emberweave Robe -- cloth
- Choice of:
- At least 1p 41g 75s 48,000 status
- Will award Epic 2.0 spells if any of your other characters on your account completed the Epic 2.0 Timeline.
Merchant Unlocked[]
Alhuurn Khalen will sell apprentice Epic 2.0 spells for characters that betray and have completed the quest.