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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Chaos Descending
Journal Level 110 (Tier 12)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Myrist, the Great Library more
How to Start Speak to Maelin Starpyre at ( 244, -7, -24 ) Copy
part of: Chaos Descending Timeline
Preceded by:
Elements of Destruction: Waves of Order
Elements of Destruction: Layers of Order
Elements of Destruction: Flames of Order
Elements of Destruction: Gusts of Order
Followed by:

What does this information mean?

The zone for this quest, Ward of Chaos Elements, is a solo zone. If you are grouped, you will each get your own instance.


  1. Use the portal at ( 298, -5, -116 ) Copy in Myrist, the Great Library to enter Ward of Chaos Elements.
  2. Travel to the Ward of Wind and Frost at ( -95, -377, -1 ) Copy and kill an icecrete rumbler and collect an Icecrete Shield
    Icecrete Shield
  3. Travel to the Abandoned Garrison at ( -198, -376, 179 ) Copy and kill chillsoot dervishes and to collect 4 chillsoot embers that they drop on the ground.
  4. Return to the zone entrance at ( -112, -354, 95 ) Copy and right click to throw chillsoot ember at Glimmerghast to make him aggro. You may need to throw more than one.
  5. Kill Glimmerghast, the fog archon to open the barrier at ( -211, -354, 94 ) Copy.
    • Use the Icecrete Shield before and periodically during the fight to receive less damage, recast time is 12.5 seconds.
  6. Travel to the Ward of Floods and Storms at ( -191, -329, 155 ) Copy
  7. Kill a shock tempest and collect a Fulgurite Strike.
    Fulgurite Strike
  8. Kill 4 ballast stone rumblers and place the bodies in the south part of the pool at ( -92, -329, 207 ) Copy, the water at the far end of the wooden walkway.
    Stone rumbler corpse placement

    stone rumbler corpse placement

  9. Kill Cursemuck, the mud golem.
    • Use the Fulgurite Strike to strip Cursemuck's damage reduction buff called Slippery Defense.
      Slippery Defense

      Slippery Defense

    • Reapply the Fulgurite Strike when Cursemuck emotes that he shakes off the fulgurite.
  10. Travel to the Ward of Earthen Might at ( -248, -355, 10 ) Copy.
  11. Kill a stormstone twister to collect a Wellstone Spout.
    • Note: The twisters have a big knockback, so you may want to clear them to avoid being kicked into the hole or the lava.
    • Note: There are half a dozen of them and they respawn. It may take 4, 5, or more kills to get the Wellstone Spout.
  12. Kill all of the flamestone furies in order to raise the stone bridges to Blazeanger's island.
  13. Kill Blazeanger, the lavawurm golem at ( -273, -440, -77 ) Copy to remove the barrier at ( -339, -375, 125 ) Copy.
    • Fight him on the small island he stands on.
    • The bridges to the center island fall when he is engaged and he leashes if pulled to the outer circle.
    • Use the Wellstone Spout to damage Blazeanger.
    • Reapply the Wellstone Spout when Blazeanger emotes that his ill temper is back.
    • Use a chunk of Blazeanger on the ground to exit the island.
      A chunk of Blazeanger

      a chunk of Blazeanger

  14. Travel to Ward of Fire and Flame at ( -309, -381, 184 ) Copy , collect 5 cinder gems (the red crystals on floor), also collect 4 tattered paper, and kill all wildfires in the room.
    Tattered Paper

    Tattered Paper

    Cinder Gem

    Cinder Gem

  15. Travel to the Totality of Knowledge at ( -401, -402, 90 ) Copy and gather the Filtered Breath scroll in the room.
    Filtered Breath Scroll

    Filtered Breath Scroll

  16. Kill all wildfires.
  17. Click the Fires of Knowledge at ( -401, -402, 64 ) Copy to throw in the papers and gems, spawning Cinderstench.
    Fires of Knowledge

    Fires of Knowledge

  18. Kill Cinderstench, the smoke archon to remove the barrier at ( -417, -391, 126 ) Copy.
    • Use Filtered Breath when you see the emote, A Toxic Mist overwhelms your senses. "fills the air with toxin."
  19. Travel to the Atrium of Chaos at ( -467, -407, 126 ) Copy and kill all of the chaos storms to activate the lift at ( -490, -408, 125 ) Copy. Once active, click the lift.
  20. Defeat Lady Najena
    1. Approach Lady Najena at ( -498, -179, 114 ) Copy and listen to her before she becomes aggro.
      • Note: use Icecrete Shield scroll through the entire fight, to reduce the damage taken by 75% and to cast while running
      • Note: use Filtered Breath scroll through the entire fight, to heal and restore your power
    2. At various percentages of her health, Najena becomes immune to damage and summons one of her elementals. Kill the elemental, then return DPS to Najena.
      • At 85% health, she summons Glimmerghast. Use the Icecrete Shield to defeat him.
      • At 65% health, she summons Cursemuck. Use the Fulgurite Strike to defeat him.
      • At 45% health, she summons Blazeanger. Use the Wellstone Spout to defeat him.
      • At 25% health, she summons Cinderstench. Use Filtered Breath to defeat him.
    3. At 5% health, Najena becomes immune and says '"Who will Norrath turn to when the inevitable shissar invasion begins now? You will regret your actions this day, pet. This I promise!", then disappears.
      Najena - Ward of Chaos Elements

      Najena - Ward of Chaos Elements

  21. Speak to Maelin Starpyre at ( 244, -7, -24 ) Copy in Myrist, the Great Library.


Merchant Unlocked[]

Alhuurn Khalen will sell apprentice Epic 2.0 spells for characters that betray and have completed the quest.
