What does this information mean?
Prerequisites [ ]
To receive this quest, the illusion form given to you during the previous quest must be active. Alternatively, you can receive this quest if you have at least -10,000 faction with The Order of Rime .
Steps [ ]
Defeat the following enemies in the Fens of Nathsar :
a magma scolder in the Mines of Nurga : ( -218, 61, -2009 ) Copy /waypoint -218, 61, -2009
3 omensplinter clompers around Omen's Call : ( 293, -122, 415 ) Copy /waypoint 293, -122, 415
Clompers are on the same shared spawn as the crabs and fish in the lake. If you don't see enough clompers, clear the area and wait for respawn.
a whirling guster : ( 397, -88, -186 ) Copy /waypoint 397, -88, -186
a docile water elemental : ( 422, -120, 408 ) Copy /waypoint 422, -120, 408
Return to Rantiri Skelbre.
Rewards [ ]