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EverQuest 2 Spell Information
Elemental Amalgamation
Spell 1054
The essence of being an Elementalist is to command the very fundamental pieces that make up our world, and all that is within it. Become those elements - don't channel them, or adopt their aspects. BECOME those elements. Command them from within, and unleash their true power on ANY who dare oppose your strength!

Target Enemy
Power 2639
Casting 6.0 seconds
Recast 8 minutes 30.0 seconds
Duration 9.0 seconds
Level 10

  • Summons a limited pet to aid the caster
This spell has no higher-level versions

Elemental Amalgamation Appearances
and Journeyman
and Expert
If you can, please take a screenshot of
a Apprentice or Journeyman version of this pet,
crop it, and upload it as jpg or as png.
If you can, please take a screenshot of
an Adept or Expert version of this pet, crop it,
and upload it as jpg or as png.
If you can, please take a screenshot of
a Master version of this pet, crop it,
and upload it as jpg or as png.

Daybreak Games
