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Ebon Relic

Ebon Relic

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Status Item Awards AA
Ebon Relic
Item 2243
An ancient relic made of ebon that looks to have ancient runes inscribed upon the side. You will be awarded a large amount of status if you give this to a member of a powerful guild of fighters.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for status.

Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 45.

Obtain: Dropped by Sentient Beings levels 40 - 49

\aITEM -257105619 335124310:Ebon Relic\/a \aITEM -257105619 335124310:Ebon Relic\/a
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This status item, is accepted by the following NPC's for 400SP:

  • Evil alignment: Viscount Gelvonius156, 1, 134 ) Copy of The Freeport Militia (Freeport Militia Officer) in West Freeport.
  • Good alignment: Squire-Guard Williamson402, -15, -25 ) Copy of The Qeynos Guard (Qeynos Guard Officer) in North Qeynos.
  • Good alignment: Knight-Guard Rellin`thir439, -11, -25 ) Copy of The Qeynos Guard (Qeynos Guard Officer) in North Qeynos.
  • Good alignment: Factor Kai Ferdinand456, -5, -10 ) Copy of The Qeynos Guard (Qeynos Guard Officer) in North Qeynos.
  • Good alignment: Knight-Captain Steelgaze477, 3, -9 ) Copy of The Qeynos Guard (Qeynos Guard Officer) in North Qeynos.
  • Good alignment: Sergeant-at-Arms Ironcast468, -5, -9 ) Copy of The Qeynos Guard (Qeynos Guard Officer) in North Qeynos.

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