Defeat The Sacrificed ( 0, -39, -239 ) Copy/waypoint 0.05, -38.72, -239.00 in The Pit of Sacrifice.
Go through the door at ( 0, -39, -284 ) Copy/waypoint 0.38, -38.55, -283.60 into the the next room Churche of Kly
Go to the raised section of the altar at ( 0, -34, -435 ) Copy/waypoint 0.12, -34.28, -434.74 (See altar image). 'You see "I witnessed a goblin being sacrificed to the Kly!"
Speak to Chorch at ( -33, -38, -434 ) Copy/waypoint -33, -38, -434, next to the altar. "Chorch has been dazed by spell or toxin." Find a way to restore the minds of the confused goblins.
Defeat Rector Droz'Kzar. It is damage immune as long it stand at its altar. So attack groups of a kly believers to make it angry. When it teleports/runs to you defeat it (more details at Crypt of Dalnir: Ritual Chamber (Solo)).
Activate three runes to spawn summon Izzak Sira, the curator and keeper of the last rune.
At ( 90, -38, -269 ) Copy/waypoint 89.88, -38.33, -269.21 defeat a rune keeper and then click the pillar (yellow rune).
At ( -92, -39, -268 ) Copy/waypoint -91.51, -38.69, -267.89 defeat a rune keeper and then click the pillar (purple rune).
At ( -121, -38, -404 ) Copy/waypoint -121.37, -38.48, -403.81 defeat a rune keeper and then click the pillar (green rune).
Defeat rooming Izzak Sira in the area around ( 342, -39, -272 ) Copy/waypoint 341.87, -38.73, -271.79 and loot its body drop (etc.)
Need to find a way to kill this named, Color circles on the floor, run to the room with that rune. Be sure to have a healer merc with you as you will be dead before you can run to the correct rune. Follow instructions on page for this instance.
Note: You only have a few seconds to loot a Rune of Awakening from the body, used to break the spell on Chorch. If the body de-spawns before you loot it, you will have to restart the zone from scratch.
Then click the pillar at ( 127, -39, -401 ) Copy/waypoint 126.62, -38.52, -400.83 (red rune) to stop the timer. Maybe stopping the timer is not required for the quest.
Go back to Chorch at ( -33, -38, -434 ) Copy/waypoint -33, -38, -434, examine the Rune of Awakening on him.
Hail him to complete quest and begin the next one.