To travel from any active druid ring, click the shrub in the center.
- See Travel in Norrath to learn more about the general topic for this and other modes of travel.
- Druid Ring (Ant) in Antonica
- The Druid Rings in Butcherblock Mountains
- Druid Ring (CL) in The Commonlands
- Druid Ring (DLW) in Darklight Wood
- The Druid Ring in The Eidolon Jungle
- Druid Ring (EL) in Enchanted Lands
- Restored Druid Ring in The Feerrott
- Druid Ring (GD) in Great Divide
- Druid Ring (GFay) in Greater Faydark
- Druid Ring (JW) in Jarsath Wastes
- Druid Ring (KJ) in Kunzar Jungle
- Druid Ring (KP) in Kylong Plains
- (Formerly) Corrupted Druid Ring (LP) in Loping Plains
- Druid Ring (MoY) in Moors of Ykesha
- Druid Ring (Nek) in Nektulos Forest
- Druid Ring (OP) in Obol Plains
- Druid Ring (SS) in The Sinking Sands
- Druid Ring (SFM) in Steamfont Mountains
- Druid Ring (SF) in The Sundered Frontier
- Druid Ring (SH) in The Stonebrunt Highlands
- Druid Ring (VI) in Vesspyr Isles
- Druid Ring (Zek) in Zek, the Orcish Wastes
Destroyed, Ruined, or otherwise Non-Operational: Several non-fucntional rings were restored during a special limited-event for druid ring rebuilding.
- Ancient Rings, a second druid ring in Greater Faydark that is non-operational
See also: Druid Rings