Avoid all of the Highkeep guards. Sometimes this means waiting for one or more to path away from you.
If you are spotted by a guard, you'll be detained and taken to The Storeroom Office ( 148, -124, 122 ) Copy/waypoint 148, -124, 122, and have to work your way back.
Gnomish Stilts and a Feather Fall Cloak may be useful.
Kildiun wants a bottle of Seas 01 before he will give you the next key.
Travel back to the Lift to Highhold ( -115, -99, -62 ) Copy/waypoint -115, -99, -62.
Take the torch from the brazier by the lift and equip it.
Note: 3/1/2016 - Torch is now "Appearance Only" will equip to appearance slot and work from there.
On both the first and second floors, "tap" three barrels of rum by clicking on them.
Once all six barrels are open, click on one of the flowing streams of rum and set them on fire.
Both floors will start burning. Quickly jump down to the water. It is possible to be burned to death before you get to the water.
There are aggro fierce lurers in the water.
The Lift to Heating Vats ( -107, -160, 119 ) Copy/waypoint -107, -160, 119 will now be active, take it up to the top floor to reach the Lower Distillery.
Go east to the Lift to Boilers ( -78, -160, 172 ) Copy/waypoint -78, -160, 172 and go to the Upper Distillery.
Once at the top of the lift, don't engage Petyr Cromwood, instead grab the Supervisor's Boiler Wrench from the table ( -103, -101, 207 ) Copy/waypoint -103, -101, 207.
Equip the wrench, then loosen a steam valve on one of the boilers, just as Petyr walks even with them.
Note: 3/1/2016 - Wrench is now "Appearance Only" will equip to appearance slot and work from there.
Move to the next boiler to avoid being spotted, Petyr will run around to the back of each boiler and fix the valves. (Edit: Better yet, move 1 more boiler further, he'd still catch me at the next one)
Once Petyr has been hit by each of the boilers, he dies.
Note: Once Petyr has been burned by a steam valve, he walks to the right side again, even if he came from the left. It seems easier when you start on the left side