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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Scars of Destruction
Level Range 130
Zone in from Western Wastes
Entrance is at

Portal at ( -736, 67, 296 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Solo
Persistence 1h30min - 3days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

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  1. Vaynon the Underdrake-185, 112, -293 ) Copy
  2. Urasi the Unvarnished-384, 133, -347 ) Copy
  3. Beresk the Bejeweled-540, 136, -345 ) Copy
    • Throughout the fight, she will 'necromance' one of her six golden crystals on either side of her chamber. If all become blackened, she will instantly kill you.
      • You will see this macro in chat when she does this: Beresk the Bejeweled is necromancing a stone!
    • To defeat her, you must continually fire off and complete Heroic Opportunities. They will grant you speed and the ability to click a blackened stone to revert it back to its golden state.
    • Run around the chamber while DPSing her, firing off HOs and completing them, and immediately restore any blackened crystals. All classes are able to run while casting spells for this fight.
  4. through the Chetari tunnel at ( -386, 121, -333 ) Copy
  5. Defeat the Seket the Sightless <Chetari runemage>. He is linked with Seket's Sight <Chetari Rune Golem>
    • Before fighting, dismiss your healer merc, or if it's too late, drag them all the way to the entrance and set Follow: None
      • I did not dismiss my healer mercenary. When the HO stopped working, I clicked on the guy in the bubble, then switched targets and used the HO until he disappeared, then switched back to the bubble guy. Rinse and repeat. This worked for me. Not to say it will work for you.
    • Throughout the fight, you'll need to continually get an Arcane or Trauma detriment by hitting Seket the Sightless. Do not cure this Arcane detriment once you get it. Follow it up by using a Heroic Opportunity attack on the golem, Seket's Sight.
    • HO's will make the Golem vulnerable. Seket will continue to summon golems. Attack Seket when you can, HO and kill the Golems when they are summoned.
      • If you are continually getting the HO failing because it doesn't have dragon claw powers, you'll need to get the Arcane detriment by hitting Seket.
    • Burn Seket down while he is summoning a new golem.
  6. Rakirith the Reanimated