You can get past Drakarn the Dreaded location in the tunnels without actually encountering the prior 3 named. But if you do, Drakarn will not be there. He shows on track but is just a pile of junk on the floor. I got this far exploring because there was no map at the time. The instructions are to make your way through the Chetari tunnels to reach the inner crypts. That is what I did. Nothing but rats and Chetari got in my way. I had to backtrack in search of the other names. Vaniki wasn't there. I killed everything on track, making my way all the way back to the entrance. I found Exor up on a platform and killed him. Vaniki then showed up on track. Vaniki was also up on a platform, and I killed him. Neb then showed up on track. Nebulous Neb is a ghost and appears in a pond. He calls adds. I killed him. I returned to the room with the pile of junk and when I walked over to it this time Drakarn the Dreaded spawned. I killed him. The moral of this story is: Find Exor where he is hiding and kill him before you do anything else.
Kill Exor the Exhumer at ( 178, 223, -617 ) Copy/waypoint 178, 223, -617
Use stifle rune
Each increment his dodge chance inceases by 10%, Accuracy and Strikethrough by 20%#
1 increment for every a Chetari corpsesniffer that is not charmed, feared, mezzed, stunned or killed
Calls the remaining a Chetari corpsesniffer to him when you start the fight
Kill Vaniki the Vile at ( 307, 206, -522 ) Copy/waypoint 307, 206, -522
Does have a 3 increments of a curse. When the gong sound happens (aka 10% chance you get cursed when you attack h8m), click one of the 3 Dragon Blood Icon posts that has the black smoke effect on it. This will happen to each of the 3 posts. (I have not heard any kind of "gong" sound, but if you watch your debuffs right under your character's name, as soon as there's a curse/ skull, you can examine one of the Blood Icons)
Two adds up risks insta-kill on some toons ("Too late! Nebulous Neb and his summoned Paebalas destroy you all!").
The adds themselves are not that hard to kill.
Kill Drakarn the Dreaded at ( -16, 159, -403 ) Copy/waypoint -16, 159, -403
Progress through the tunnel at ( 33, 160, -366 ) Copy/waypoint 33.15, 160.27, -366.19 till you reach the Heart of the Necropolis at ( 45, 99, -75 ) Copy/waypoint 45, 99, -75 or ( 19, 100, -94 ) Copy/waypoint 18.52, 99.77, -94.13
Jaled Dar
There is a large pit called "The Crematorium" full of emberflies, but there is no requirement to kill anything here
Beyond the Crematorium is a raised area containing the remains of Jaled Dar. When you approach the remains, Jaled Dar will spawn. "The tomb of Jaled Dar begins to tremble."
5 nonaggressive First Brood dragon skeletons will spawn around the Crematorium. Kill any of the First Brood mobs and Hail the non-agro mob that respawns.
You will receive a message: "You possess the knowledge to bypass Jaled Dar's Protection" and will be in control of a Dragon Servitor which you then use to kill Jaled Dar.
All your spells will disappear and new ones will be in your bar. Use these spells to kill Jaled Dar.
An exit portal appears at ( 77, 99, 95 ) Copy/waypoint 77.02, 99.05, 95.34