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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Maj'Dul  (AA)
Introduced Desert of Flames
Journal Level 50 (Tier 6)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Maj'Dul more
How to Start Speak to Peacock Lord Wad'dah Haz'Iz inside the Peacock Club, whose entrance is at ( -225, 146, 82 ) Copy
part of: Peacock Club Timeline
Preceded by:
Welcome to the Peacock Club
Followed by:
Secrets of a Used Skull

What does this information mean?


  1. Examine the knife on the table. ( 6, 0, 4 ) Copy
  2. Speak to Camel Dealer Ha'kal outside the Court of the Coin at ( 175, 139, 2 ) Copy.
    • Camel Deal Ha'kal randomly spawns as a Blades, Coin, or Truth faction NPC. So he may or may not be aggro to you. If aggro, either kill and hope for non-aggro repop, or spam 'H' and talk while he is killing you.
  3. Kill camels of the lesser tribes found in the Sinking Sands:
    • Baldoras: ( -220, -105, -400 ) Copy
    • Hafasal: ( -74, -111, -140 ) Copy
    • Amal'an: ( -881, -159, -1205 ) Copy & ( -331, -146, -1271 ) Copy (Amal'an camels roams from suggested location around the Twin Tears and back in circles, counter-clockwise).
  4. Return to Camel Dealer Ha'kal.
  5. Find and clear out the Baldoras supply camp in the Sinking Sands. ( -220, -105, -400 ) Copy
  6. Examine the scroll on top of the two boxes at the Baldoras supply camp.
  7. Complete the following within 4 minutes:
    • Visit the secret burial site at ( -1009, -120, -1249 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Inspect the burial site at ( -1002, -129, -1278 ) Copy
  8. Return to Peacock Lord Wad'dah Haz'Iz.
  9. Leave the Peacock Club.

