"Collect" a Superb Noxious Remedy potion, a level 30 Alchemist tradeskilled item. You can buy this from a broker, if you don't have any people willing to make you one. If you already have it in your bags the quest will not update. **NOTE** You MUST obtain the Superb Noxious Remedy WITHIN the city of Qeynos, if you don't, the quest will not update. You need to make one or buy after you are on this step of the quest. You can also have this mailed to you, perhaps from an alt, but it needs to retrieved from the mailbox only when on the step to collect the remedy (after purchasing the Oaken Root). **NOTE**You can take a Superb Noxious Remedy potion out of your shared bank, sell it to a vendor, and use the buyback tab to buy it back. This will update the quest.
Return to Prophet Bainyn Fairwind with the requested components needed to make your cure
NOTE: If you are like me you are looking for the simplest of steps, so here goes. Go to Common Lands, enter the sewer To Thieves Way at ( -1251, 84, 120 ) Copy/waypoint -1251, 83.82, 119.69, to the Serpent Sewer at ( 23, 0, 60 ) Copy/waypoint 23, 0, 60, to the Edgewater Drains at ( -243, 2, 13 ) Copy/waypoint -243, 2, 13 and then Kill the lvl 37^ Agent of Bertoxxulous at ( 97, 33, 41 ) Copy/waypoint 96.80, 32.50, 41.33. Return to step 2.
Use the bell on the docks to get to the Sprawl.
Completing this quest gives +2500 faction with Rodcet Nife