1st Boss is Magmaton ( 13, -9, -304 ) Copy/waypoint 13.31, -9.43, -304.31 and is auto spawned but requires killing all spider trash mobs to drop the barriers to reach him.
He does an emote about dropping a firewall so you have to drag him around after he emotes dropping a firewall. Easiest way to flawless this is to drag him along the edge in a straight line then turn him around to make a giant 0 shape if needed.
2nd is Arch Mage Yozanni ( 142, 12, -404 ) Copy/waypoint 142.44, 12.34, -403.62 located inside the tower on right side upper ledge and is spawned by defeating Magmaton.
Has a curse (Fighting the Flames) you have to cure with the brittle magma gems gotten from zone trash and adds he spawns. Randomly spawns adds you have to kill to remove his damage reduction.
3rd is Jopal the Thief is located to the left of where the zone in point is and is spawned by defeating Arch Mage Yozanni. You require see invis or a totem to see him. He with path around the area. See Mob detail page for pathing points.
Healers cure their own curse. He will emote "Jopal curses your healers, they should be careful when casting beneficial spells!"
If you get the reticle/cross hairs (+) on your screen joust away from raid 25m till its gone
Joust out of the red circle
Stay behind the named and dps.
4th is Pyronis ( -351, 42, 110 ) Copy/waypoint -350.63, 42.12, 109.51 is located inside a tower on right side of the zone entrance and is spawned by defeating Jopal the Thief.
Dps and joust 40m from him when he expands. You can go back in safely after he explodes.
5th is General Reparm ( 429, 20, -262 ) Copy/waypoint 428.54, 19.66, -262.41, Captain Cinderbrow an Lieutenant Magmafist ( 428, 19, -222 ) Copy/waypoint 427.52, 19.33, -221.53 and ( 388, 19, -265 ) Copy/waypoint 387.98, 19.33, -265.15 are located on upper ledge across from spiral tower to get to Arch Mage Yozanni and are spawned by defeating All T1. Cinderbrow and Magmafist can spawn in either of the two listed locs. It's random which one each will be at, but both are part of the encounter group.
Everyone run to where General Reparm is and stay there until the circles spawn then joust back 30m and just dps em down no more worries over circles. (Don't aoe the 2 circles have adds that die and will re-pop more circles so single focus) Stay out of the center as the grate opens as the die. Kill them in the following order:
Lieutenant Magmafist
Captain Cinderbrow
General Reparm
6th is Javonn the Overlord ( 371, 111, 440 ) Copy/waypoint 371.00, 110.99, 440.18 is located where the final named in Doomfire: Elements of Rage (Heroic) spawns and is spawned by defeating General Reparm. You will need lockpicks dropped by Jopal in order to finish this encounter.
Jopal will add if he is not killed first
Stay behind him, and keep him positioned over the center of the grate.
At 10% use lockpicks on the grate so that he falls in the lava. Note: DO NOT stand on the grate or you will fall in and die.
7th are Chancellor Traxom ( -157, 77, 410 ) Copy/waypoint -156.61, 77.28, 409.61 and Chancellor Kirtra ( -167, 80, 409 ) Copy/waypoint -167.03, 79.85, 408.93 who are grouped together. They are located across bridge and up the hill from where Pyronis was. They are spawned by defeating Javonn the Overlord.
Keep each named 40m apart from each other as they will heal when they hit 50% by a set % based on their distance apart.
Whoever is furthest from raid will get cursed. They need run to the opposite named to get cured.
They will emote "A 'Flash Fire' breaks out near <target>! It would be wise to stay clear of them or face the fire spreading quickly."