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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Cobalt Scar  (AA)
Introduced LU66
Journal Level 101 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Cobalt Scar more
How to Start Speak with Head Scholar Nabihan4425, -821, 359 ) Copy
part of: Cobalt Scar Timeline
Preceded by:
Cry of the Siren
Followed by:
Tear in the Grotto

What does this information mean?

The sirens have in their possession an object that may be the cause of the rising undead which must be kept from the Awakened. While she communicates my findings from the sirens' grotto, Head Scholar Nabihan has asked that I keep the Awakened Legion preoccupied within the Drakelands here in Cobalt Scar in the form of boom barrel explosions!

Boom Barrels

A supply of boom barrels


  1. Obtain some boom barrels (x4) ( 4426, -823, 494 ) Copy
  2. Blow the barrels up at water level, in the Drakelands. (each barrel blown up causes 2x Drakeland devourers to spawn and attack, lvl 100 Heroic ^ )
    • NOTE: If you fly away, there's a chance you'll go too far and the explosion won't update the quest. You'll have to delete and start over - there are only four update locations that disappear and don't respawn. This quest group updates: Make sure your group is all close enough for the updates.
    • 5256, -1079, 1015 ) Copy
    • 5026, -1088, 1092 ) Copy
    • 4995, -1080, 1354 ) Copy
    • 5120, -1091, 1597 ) Copy
  3. Return to Head Scholar Nabihan and eavesdropp on the conversation between Nabihan and the ghost of Lucan D'Lere.
  4. Field Marshal Vishra will now offer his final quest, Tear in the Grotto.
Lucan D'Lere ghost

Ghost of Lucan D'Lere

