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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The City of Freeport  (AA)
Introduced Age of Discovery
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The City of Freeport more
How to Start Speak to Serris on the second floor of The Freeport Militia House135, -7, 130 ) Copy
part of: The City of Freeport Timeline
Preceded by:
The Enemy in Our Midst
Followed by:
The Source of the Swords

What does this information mean?


"Serris knows who received the weapons and has asked me to retrieve them, so they cannot be used against Freeport. The shipments delivered to the Dervishes are clearly a problem. However, she seemed more worried about the weapons sold to ineligible Freeport citizens, as the city has only recently recovered from a bloody civil war." --Everquest II Journal


  1. Retrieve 8 crates of weapons in Yapping Maze in The Commonlands1248, -44, 194 ) Copy
    • Clicking a crate spawns three grouped Dervishes (your level, one down arrow); kill them or run them off
  2. Speak to Iulus U`Vas outside The Elddar Stables and Livery in West Freeport ( 141, -4, -77 ) Copy; kill him (even con)
  3. Speak to Slinko across from Torlig's Herbs and Potions in North Freeport ( -49, -24, -30 ) Copy
  4. Speak to Melenia Scantus outside Armor by Ithkar in East Freeport ( -90, -37, -12 ) Copy; kill her (even con)
  5. Speak to Drake Fallon near Overlord's Perch in South Freeport ( -44, -8, 167 ) Copy
  6. Speak to Kairn Starkson behind Seafarer's Roost in East Freeport ( -251, -55, 15 ) Copy
  7. Speak to Serris.


"I recovered the weapons and delivered them to Serris. Some of the Freeport citizens parted with them willingly, and others fought me to their death." --Everquest II Journal

