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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Jarsath Wastes
Introduced Rise of Kunark
Journal Level 77 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Jarsath Wastes more
How to Start Speak to Somers the Hard in Danak Shipyards. ( -102, -40, 1115 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
part of: Jarsath Wastes Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Don't Ruins My Day...
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Get the reports from the following NPCs:
  2. Gather 5 Danak Supply Lists from the following locations:
    • 155, 6, 809 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, (top floor on the tower railing)
    • 440, -12, 547 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, (top floor on the tower railing)
    • 10, 14, 121 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, (top floor on the tower railing)
    • -185, -41, -32 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, (behind Vice Commander Nathash, on the table)
    • -150, 50, 338 ) Copy, (behind Sergeant Slithess, on the table)
  3. Return to Somers the Hard.

