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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced LU42
Journal Level 80 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Neriak, City of Hate more
How to Start Speak with Xilania Nevagon-Seraph of Hate inside the Spires of Innoruuk
part of: Shadowknight Epic Weapon Timeline
Preceded by:
They Have Searched an Age for a Dark Champion...
Followed by:
They Have Searched an Age for a Dark Champion...

What does this information mean?



  1. You will be tasked with finding several armor pieces.
    • Note: The armor pieces are sell able to merchants, recommend ticking off "not for sale"
    • 5 pieces located in Shard of Fear
      • Shard of Fear can be done solo for levels 86+.
      • The Blood Ember Shoulders ( 289, 17, 317 ) Copy (inside Skeletal Master tower)
      • The Blood Ember Gauntlets ( 306, 78, 97 ) Copy (top of the shiverback pyramid)
      • The Blood Ember Bracer ( -83, 44, 33 ) Copy (Dracoliche area)
      • The Darkforge Greaves ( 243, 7, -249 ) Copy (behind Skeletal Lord tower)
      • The Darkforge Breastplate ( -7, 52, -476 ) Copy (one on top of Terror's pyramid)
        • Very Important, to get the Darkforge Breastplate you need to go inside of the Firewall and for that you need to do the Shard of Fear Timeline, pay attention that the parts are all no-zone, so once you start you need to finish, soloing at level 90 took around 1 hour.
    • 1 piece obtained from Charasis: Maiden's Chamber
      • The Blood Lord's Boots ( 7, 5, 172 ) Copy (Drusella Sathir's room) (Can be looted from an instance as long as one of the members has not yet left the instance, otherwise the doors close to the room you need.)
    • 1 piece obtained from Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
      • The Umbral Helm ( 41, -3, -125 ) Copy (Very last room)
  2. Head back to Neriak, City of Hate and speak with Xilania Nevagon-Seraph of Hate.
    • She will spawn an Umbral Destroyer. He is a 85^^^, but a very straightforward fight, no knockbacks or special abilities that I noted.
  3. Once you have killed it, speak with Xilania Nevagon-Seraph of Hate again.

