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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Kylong Plains  (AA)
Introduced Rise of Kunark
Journal Level 72 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Kylong Plains more
How to Start Speak with Queue, overlooking Filrek's Eye. ( 1494, 160, -2060 ) Copy
part of: Kylong Plains Timeline
Preceded by:
Di'zok Intelligence
Followed by:
Queue's Blyzurite

What does this information mean?


  1. Tag a a Di'Zok courier. To spawn them, speak to Queue a second time. He will indicate the courier's running up the ramp from the Di'Zok area below.
    • The easiest way to tag the courier is to run over to the top of the ramp around ( 1300, 112, -2232 ) Copy. You only need to tag one of the two couriers, using the tagger Queue gives you. Run fast and around to the north or they will despawn.
  2. Return to Germa Prash in Highton. ( 1275, 159, -2074 ) Copy

