The zone where this quest begins, High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion [Contested], is only available to Gold subscription members until 5/13/2014 according to the forum patch notes for April 29, 2014.
Captain Boshinko has asked that I kill a 'rat' in the larder... This seems familiar...
Find details of Captain Boshinko's service amongst the books and papers of High Keep. Clicky book at ( -77, -127, -152 ) Copy/waypoint -77, -127, -152 its in a chest in the room where you climb down to the bottom floor via hole in floor.
Find the Iron Maiden - this is in the jail room near ( -176, -145, -208 ) Copy/waypoint -176, -145, -208. To enter this area you will need to get "a skeleton key" from an "undead warden" just as you did previously in Paranoia. You will have to return to this area repeatedly.
Destroy 20 hounds within High Keep. They can be found all over.
Go to the Captain who is now in the Iron Maiden in the jail room at ( -181, -149, -201 ) Copy/waypoint -181, -149, -201
Clean 12 bloodstains from the floors. They are group updates on the floor in all the rooms in the area. They are only visible to those on the quest.
Return to the Captain in the Iron Maiden in the jail room at ( -181, -149, -201 ) Copy/waypoint -181, -149, -201. He tells you to find something to spawn Higginsbot. That is a shiny book next to Thrott upstairs explained in the next quest.