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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Maldura  (AA)
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Maldura: Algorithm For Destruction (Advanced Solo) more
How to Start Speak with Artificer Hodges-174, -2, 144 ) Copy.
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Timeline
Preceded by:
Underdepths Saga: Zaphardt's Defenders
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak to Artificer Hodges. Hodges may be found hiding behind a barrel ( -174, -2, 144 ) Copy after killing Old Doclin in the Stone Mercantile District.
  • Note: As of 2023, if you are running an agnostic dungeon version of this, you might see a feather but no Artificer Hodges. You do not have to speak with him. You can skip to the next step and complete the quest as described.
  1. Collect 5 empty flow-through phylacteries in the Stone Mercantile District near Artificer Hodges. (They look like yellow power cells.)
    A flow-through phylactery

    a flow-through phylactery

  2. Acquire large Malduran crystal shards in the Alcove of Reason.
    1. Click on the shard container-87, 13, 178 ) Copy to activate the spidermech defenders.
      Shard container

      shard container

    2. Kill all of the spidermech defenders to spawn X-O Arachmech. Loot the bodies if doing the Saga quest!
    3. Kill X-O Arachmech and loot an X-Electro-charged battery. (It's possible that X-O will fall below the terrain on it's death, especially if it's killed in the water, preventing the battery from being looted. If this happens, exit the instance and then re-enter to receive a new battery)
    4. Insert the X-Electro-charged battery into the shard container to receive the large Malduran crystal shards.
  3. Kill Stonerend.
    1. Go downstairs to the Waterworks: Aquifer Pumping Station52, -7, 165 ) Copy.
    2. Immobilize Stonerend by killing any three of the four Dark Gears summoners. These necromancers start out non-aggro. Do not cast anything on the named, singular focus is your friend.
    3. Stay clear of the named, wait for a white circle to appear, then run to it and click to place a crystal shard there. Run out, and allow Stonerend to crush the crystals. He will take 20% damage each time, the 5th time you do that the remaining Dark Gear Summoner will attack you, kill him and Stonerend will fall apart.
  4. Fill the phylacteries.
    • Collect the shattered crystals by clicking on the crushed crystal shards.
      Crushed crystal shards

      crushed crystal shards

    • Collect the blood from a dead Dark Gears summoner by clicking on it.
      A dead Dark Gears summoner

      a dead Dark Gears summoner

  5. Go back upstairs and destroy Black Bolt's force shield.
    1. Place the 5 phylacteries at marked places along the the bottom of the shield.
      Place the filled phylactery

      Place the filled phylactery

    2. Once all 5 are placed, the quest is finished and you can kill the 3 undead mobs:

