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The Altar of Ending


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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Kingdom of Sky
Level Range 77-78
Zone in from The Bonemire
Entrance is at

Carrion Briar-297, -74, -515 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Raid x4
Persistence 2 days 20 hours - 7 days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


All your efforts in the Overrealm have brought you to the maw of this festering boneyard. Dragons, Droag, drakota, nay all of dragonkind hold these grounds to be sacred, so much that to set just one claw inside is punishable by death. Only the four high priests of The Awakened can enter unscathed, Lord Vyemm, Harla Dar, Sharti of The Flame, and Ireth the Cold. However, your endeavors in the Overrealm have disrupted the grasp that the Awakened once had upon the land, and thrown their organization into an even deeper state of chaos. Lord Nagafen seeks to exploit this opportunity. Fortunately for him, he knows just the right adventurer for the job...


  • On normal servers, there is no longer an access quest. However, on TLE servers, at least one member of the raid must have completed the access questline.

When you first zone in, there are droags immediately below the ledge you're standing on, as well as two gazers and a flying serpent which move around the area. The gazers can be lethal if they are not pulled separately and turned away from the raid as quickly as possible. Be careful when range-pulling them, they are social.

The flame barrier has been removed from Deathtoll. However, each member of the raid will need to complete A Mark of Awakening and equip the reward to pass through the location where the flame barrier was (where the basilisk is standing). After you've crossed that point, you can replace it with your regular necklace. You do not need the Mark of Awakening equipped for boss fights, it only needs to be in your character's inventory.

There are traps throughout the zone which spawn carrion worms. It is recommended the raid avoid central areas on the ground and stay as close to the walls as possible. Everyone should follow the same path through the zone and should not move ahead of the tanks. Although Deathtoll is a persistent raid zone, if you leave and return later, the carrion worm traps will reset and can be triggered again.

There are invisible gazers in the area near Fitzpitzle and the hallways leading to the Amorphous Drake. The gazers frequently cast high-damage AoE DoTs (Eye of Fire or Eye of Frost) which must be cured immediately.

Before you engage Tarinax the Destroyer, you must first defeat Yitzik the Hurler, Fitzpitzle and Cruor Alluvium. If any of these bosses are still alive when you engage Tarinax, he will immediately kill everyone in the raid. You are not required to kill the Amorphous Drake. This change was made when the Kingdom of Sky expansion was unlocked on the Varsoon TLE server.


Zone-map from [Gamepressure]


