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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Cobalt Scar  (AA)
Introduced LU66
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Cobalt Scar more
How to Start Speak to Healer Salinca Cheldr in Scarstone4392, -823, 484 ) Copy
part of: Cobalt Scar Timeline
Preceded by:
New Combine Defense
Followed by:
Dark Elf in a Dark Land (evil)
Trouble in the Timber (good)

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Daring Rescue (thawthorn)

thawthorne bush

  1. Gather 8 thawthorn plants. They grow on the cliffs surrounding Howlers Cove - you'll need your flying mount to look for them. They look like glowing golden bushes and are spotted very easy at night. For example, there's one at ( 4642, -848, 538 ) Copy.
  2. Return to Healer Salinca Cheldr
  3. Teleport 8 defenders to safety - they look like bodies laying on the rocks, and are untrackable. They are on the cliffs south of Scarstone ( 4642, -848, 538 ) Copy
  4. Return to Healer Salinca Cheldr


  • New Combine Symbol Rug
  • At least 1p 35g