EverQuest 2 Wiki
Dao Tom

Dao Tom

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EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Faction Merchant (Disciples of the Circling Destiny)
Race Hua Mein
Zone The Stonebrunt Highlands (Sentinel's Fate)
Location Inside Ning Yun Retreat516, 333, 475 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

Faction Items for Sale[]

Items for sale Price Positive Faction
Bamboo Bangle of Bai Jin 55g 98s 72c 20,000
Band of Circling Destiny 55g 98s 72c 20,000
Belt of the Ning Yun Denizen 55g 98s 72c 20,000
Cloak of Enduring Ways 55g 98s 72c 20,000
Fist of the Lotus 55g 52s 6c 40,000
Golden Ring of Mu Ping 55g 98s 72c 20,000
Hoop of Circling Destiny 55g 98s 72c 20,000
Ning Ning's Sash of Secrets 55g 98s 72c 20,000
Preserved Lotus Flower 4g 66s 56c 30,000
Ring of the Ning Yun Fisherman 55g 98s 72c 20,000
Wen Wen's Rose Colored Stone 4g 66s 56c 30,000
Zhen Gao's Bangle of Might 55g 98s 72c 20,000

Disciples of the Circling Destiny Faction Goods
