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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Altar of Malice
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Tranquil Sea more
How to Start Talk to Gnorbert at the D.I.R.T.Y. Dig1122, 31, 1122 ) Copy
part of: Altar of Malice Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
D.I.R.T.Y. Explosives
Followed by:
D.I.R.T.Y. Business

What does this information mean?


  1. Dogwood-shrub-displayed

    Dogwood Shrub

    Harvest 3 dogwood shrubs on bluffs nearby, near the Sapwill's Rest NPCs, and can be found with the tradeskill tracking ability. The shrub is also an heirloom house item ONLY as long as you have this quest. (so stock up on them.)
  2. Get strips of cloth from Gnorbert's supplies
  3. Click Gnorbert's backpack for cloth ( 1117, 30, 1119 ) Copy, recipe for Healing Salve Infused Bandages autoscribes
  4. Craft the bandages at a Chemistry Table (table in Sapswill's Rest1229, 18, 1265 ) Copy)
  5. Talk to Gnorbert


  • At least 1p 40g 40s