EverQuest 2 Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see cured leather pelt.
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Cured leather pelt

Cured leather pelt (Version 2)

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EverQuest II Item Information
cured leather pelt
Item 3501
Obtain: Harvested from Den Nodes in Tier 2 zones.

\aITEM 207082281 1943708821:cured leather pelt\/a \aITEM 207082281 1943708821:cured leather pelt\/a
What does this information mean?

Harvest Information
From: T2 Animal Dens Icon
Type: Rare
This rare harvest looks as if it could be used for crafting level 10 - 19 mastercrafted items.


See the main article on Rare Hide for more details on this special material type.
This is a low level harvested material, used (primarily) by Tailors to make gear for adventure classes that wear leather armor (Monks, Wardens, etc).

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