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Crusaders of Greenmist Disguise

Crusaders of Greenmist Disguise

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Crusaders of Greenmist Disguise (Visible)

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EverQuest II Item Information
Crusaders of Greenmist Disguise
Item 3695
Crusaders of Greenmist Disguise
Charges Unlimited
Casting 1 second
Duration 1 hour
Recast 0.0 seconds
  • Applies Crusaders of Greenmist Disguise when Activated. Lasts for 1 hour.
    • Shapechanges caster into a Crusader of Greenmist
    • Adjusts the faction for Crusaders of Greenmist.
Obtain: Reward from the quest "Scrying Eyes" in Obulus Frontier.

\aITEM -1804223337 79888286:Crusaders of Greenmist Disguise\/a \aITEM -1804223337 79888286:Crusaders of Greenmist Disguise\/a
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This item appears in your inventory automatically after clicking on the dead crusaders to gather their armor during the Scrying Eyes quest.

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