Rescue 6 Far Seas crewmembers. Just talk to them to update. They can be found at the following locations.
( 978, 10, 1357 ) Copy/waypoint 978, 10, 1357
( 866, 20, 1305 ) Copy/waypoint 866, 20, 1305
( 823, 22, 1382 ) Copy/waypoint 823, 22, 1382
( 828, 16, 1430 ) Copy/waypoint 828, 16, 1430
( 884, 10, 1378 ) Copy/waypoint 884, 10, 1378
( 832, 21, 1462 ) Copy/waypoint 832, 21, 1462
Enter Malvonicus' Tower and click the wooden trap door at ( 910, 7, 1386 ) Copy/waypoint 910, 7, 1386 to enter Clackwhinge's Cellar, then speak to Overseer Clackwhinge