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crude chaos imbued canvas hex doll
Item 1209
White Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
7 Primary Attributes 7 Stamina
Combat Skills
Hex of Chaos
Slot Charm
Level 20 (Tier 3)
All Fighters, All Priests, Assassin, Ranger, Dirge, Troubador, Brigand, Swashbuckler, All Mages

  • Applies Hex of Chaos when Activated. Lasts for 1 minute 48 seconds.
    • Decreases Mitigation of target vs elemental, noxious and arcane damage by 180.
    • The casting time of Hex of Chaos is 1.0 second and the reuse time of the spell is 5 minutes
Obtain: [How can I get one?] try LootDB or the linkback

\aITEM 864488599 1489527301:crude chaos imbued canvas hex doll\/a \aITEM 864488599 1489527301:crude chaos imbued canvas hex doll\/a
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