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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Sundered Splitpaw
Introduced Splitpaw Saga
Journal Level Scales with player level upto level 60
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Sundered Splitpaw: Splitpaw Den more
How to Start Talk to Gomp Soilscratch at ( -20, -77, -270 ) Copy.
part of: Splitpaw Saga Timeline
Preceded by:
A Darkened Shard
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  • This is an unlimited repeatable quest.
  • This quest is one of several that you can do to earn the trust of the Splitpaw Gnolls and advance A Darkened Shard.
  • If you are attempting this quest with people lower than level 50 and higher than level 60 you will be unable to zone in while grouped. To work around this, disband, then have the lower level person enter the zone first. Then group together and the higher level person will be able to zone into the same instance as the lower-level person, force-mentored down to their level.


  1. Zone into Sundered Splitpaw: Crawler Nest: ( 2, -70, -308 ) Copy
  2. Make your way down to the center of the hive: ( 0, -64, -189 ) Copy
  3. Start a ring-event by killing the rock crawlers on the central platform.
    • The way back up will become blocked off, shutting you in, when the ring-event starts!
  4. Eventually, Queen Zkchriy will spawn. Kill her to complete the quest.
  5. Once the queen is dead, you must teleport out by your own means.


Related Quests[]
