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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Commonlands  (AA)
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 15 (Tier 2)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Commonlands more
How to Start Talk to Tiff Squeelunkle located a little east of East Nomad Camp at ( -228, -44, -847 ) Copy
part of: The Commonlands Timeline
Preceded by:
Smugglers' Secrets
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. To replenish her supply of tracking powder, Tiff needs the dust from five moon wisps (a common update). Moon wisps can be found around The Commonlands' Ulteran Spires-12, -47, -417 ) Copy.
  2. Return to Tiff with the wisp essences.
  3. Tiff now wants to mark two crates with the tracking powder. These are located in the crates on Smuggler's Dock at ( -441, -91, -962 ) Copy.
  4. Returning to Tiff, she now hands over a map. The map can be examined periodically to see where the crates are going. Follow the crates to their midway points, examining the map after each update. The points are random from the following list:
    • Riverbank west of the Ratongan Village-78, -46, 23 ) Copy
    • Road north of the Hidden Canyon Station598, -50, 536 ) Copy
    • Slightly northeast of the Commonlands Druid Rings654, -60, -86 ) Copy
    • Bridge south of the Kerran Village-155, -46, 220 ) Copy
    • Path of Tears1097, -39, -359 ) Copy
  5. Eventually, the crates will move to a 'location inside the Yapping Maze'. They can be found at ( 1325, -36, -188 ) Copy in the Thexian area of the maze.
  6. After inspecting the crates to determine their contents, report back to Tiff.
  7. By now, the crates have returned to the Blackshield docks. Return there, and hang out near the NPCs on the docks to eavesdrop.
  8. Return to Tiff to let her know what the Blackshield smugglers are doing,



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