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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Mahngavi Wastes
Introduced Visions of Vetrovia
Journal Level 130 (Tier 14)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Mahngavi Wastes more
How to Start Speak with Sister Ghoulinda in Ghoulinda's Lair540, 96, 165 ) Copy in the Mahngavi Wastes
part of: Visions of Vetrovia Timeline
Preceded by:
To The Lair
Lexicon of Spaek (Collection)
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. After To The Lair you can do 1 daily solo mission that starts with "Cracking the Crypts". There are 4 different ones.
  2. This Dungeon has a maximum duration of 3 days. This Daily quest may be randomly reissued after 18 hours while an old, empty instance of your Zone is still active. When entering this dungeon, if it is empty then leave the zone and use the Reset Button in the Dungeon Finder's Persistent Instances tab to reset the 'Ancestral Crypt of Vyl'Tayne' zone timer.
  3. The dungeon is a Solo Instance zone therefore a mercenary can not be used nor can another player provide any assistance. If appropriate carry healing potions, remedies, etc.


  1. Enter the Ancestral Crypt of D'Ryil10, 99, 56 ) Copy and kill 2 ancient crypt guardians. When fighting these two ancient crypt guardians an AoE attack may draw in additional ancient crypt guardians from the adjacent area.
    • Note: This Dungeon has a maximum duration of 3 days and this Daily quest may be reissued after 18 hours while an old, empty instance is still active. If when entering this dungeon it is empty then leave the zone and use the Reset Button in the Dungeon Finder's Persistent Instances tab to reset the timer.
  2. Kill the remaining 9 ancient crypt guardians in the adjacent crypt areas.
    • At this point, a message flashes on the screen: Lord D'Ryil say 'Trespassers, leave my crypt or die!" This spawns Lord D'Ryil in the crypt's entry area.
  3. Kill Lord D'Ryil.
    • Now that all the crypt guardians have been cleared the the quest updates.
    • Quest updates to read "- I need to collect (item that Ghoulinda requires: May vary)" This will be a randome skeleton surrounded by "glow particles" (e.g. ( -131, 0, -71 ) Copy), and can be interacted with.
  4. Select this, and a second item from a jar( -150, -0, -52 ) Copy is requested , with the same behaviour.
  5. Collect the second item, and the quest updates, and you receive a reward of a "Crone-Speak key."
  6. Right click this key in your ineventor and it will convert to "A Translated Key" of a particular type (Emerald, Ruby. etc.).
    • The journal step now reads "Loot the Crypt!".
    • An ornate chest spawns at a random location within the zone (no glowing particles).
  7. Click the chest and Loot it!. It creates a New Quest window for An Ancestral (key type) Key with the text: "Open the ancestral (key type) chest."
  8. Accept this quest and receive the "Vetrovian Crypt Spoils" reward.
  9. Return to Sister Ghoulinda in her lair in the Mahngavi Wastes to complete this quest and receive the rewards listed below.
    • You may do another Cracking The Crypts quest once every 18 hours.


  • Vetrovia Crate
  • 5 Vetrovian Dres'Aag
  • 107,799 status
