EverQuest 2 Wiki
Race aviak

Race: Aviak - to upload a more specific image, click JPG or PNG

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LootDB · EQ2LL · ZAM
EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Nest of the Great Egg (Kingdom of Sky)
Race Aviak
Level 65▲▲▲ Tier 7 Heroic , (Approx. HP: 115,000)
Location Basement, in room to the far west, against east wall ( 172, 57, 0 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops
Bad Faction The Blacktalon
AA Exp yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?


He is a Warlock mob, and uses AOE spells & pets.

He is grouped with several down-arrow adds.
