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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Maldura more
How to Start Speak to Brytthel in the Palace of Unity371, 82, 29 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Researching a Solution
Followed by:
What Lies Beneath

What does this information mean?

According to my research, if a magical stone is set in metal that's empowered with the same type of magic as the stone it holds, it should be possible to attune the container so it hides the power of the stone within. I can do the forge work, but I'll need the help of the glaufaye for the magic.


  1. Exit the city to Thalumbra and discuss the recipe with Elanluelle-486, 240, 349 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in Zou'Lidelas.
  2. Return to Maldura and forge the Censer of Containment in the great Forge of Brell68, -8, -132 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI. (Note: Be careful not to miss any counters! They will kill you, put you back at entrance, and you will have to start over (rares not lost.)
  3. Exit the city to Thalumbra and speak to Elanluelle at ( -486, 239, 349 ) Copy again:
    • Note: make sure you finish the conversation before you start to craft the Empowered Censer of Containment! If you forge the item before getting instructions to do so, the quest will not update and you have to delete and start over and you have lost your 2 Arcannium!
  4. Click the Fire in front of Elanluele after the quest updates from speaking to her.
  5. Reforge the item. Will need 1 bornite nodule and 1 Thaumic Coal.
  6. Once that is completed, speak to her once more to update the quest.
  7. Bring the completed censer to Brytthel in Maldura at ( 371, 82, 29 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.

Needed Materials[]

