The Commission System was added to EQ2 with EoF (LU29). Its original, planned purpose was two-fold:
- to allow the sale of no-trade items crafted using the newly added Tinkering sub-profession.
- to reduce the need for crafters also to be adventurers of high level.
The commission system allowed SoE to add no-trade crafting materials to raid drop tables, while at the same time eliminating the need for someone with the appropriate crafting profession to be present at the time those raid drops were distributed. One of the happy side effects of the new system was the final fix for the age-old issue of trust with getting items custom made with (usually expensive) rares.
How a Commission Crafting Job Happens[]
Among the changes to game mechanics in LU29 was the change in the need to target a crafting station to begin a craft. The need for this change was not realized at first. It is, however, THE one critical stepping stone in the commission system.
To begin a commission job, the crafter opens his/her recipe book, finds the recipe, targets the "customer" (who does not need to be grouped, but must be in the same zone), and then begins to craft like normal.
Here's where the commission system kicks in. The crafter and the customer are each presented with a different screen, with the crafter waiting on the customer to proceed:
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What the crafter sees. | What the customer sees. |
At this point, the customer can add whatever they want to in the window, similar to a normal trade. Expensive rares or no-trade parts (new raid-dropped crafting or even HQs!) are all options. Also at this point, the customer decides on who gets the by-products of the entire crafting process (dusts from creation of adept spells and skills or slagged components from post-EoF recipes, notably all Tinkering and Altars). Much like a trade, both parties must agree on the terms to continue.
(Note: SOMETHING must change for the window to display the accept buttons. This isn't an issue if you're using the system for something involving a rare or no-trade item, but if you're doing a no-trade tinkering job for a friend, where there are no items exchanged, most people just add 1c.)
Once both people have agreed to the terms, the tradeskill window continues to operate as normal and the commission window stays open to allow the customer to see the overall progress of the crafting process as it occurs.
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What the crafter sees. | What the customer sees. |
Once the crafting process is complete, the finished product(s) will go into the customer's inventory and the fee will go into the crafter's coin purse.
When You Can't Use the Commission System[]
The commission system cannot be used to transmute no-trade items looted by a non-transmuter. In order to transmute no-trade items, a transmuter must be the person to loot the item. It cannot be transmuted through the commission system like the no-trade crafting parts used for the tradeskill epic quests.