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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event
Introduced Visions of Vetrovia
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Butcherblock Mountains more
How to Start Chandrima near the Highland Outpost griffon tower at ( 263, 188, 434 ) Copy

What does this information mean?


  • This quest now scales as of 2023. If you are having trouble at level 120+, scale down.
  • The quest will also grant Silver Jubilation Medals, as will the instances "daily" (18-hour) mission
  • You will need 5 coruscating filament to complete the quest, so plan accordingly if you don't have an item to summon a fuel vendor.
    • THE SCALED VERSION REQUIRES DIFFERENT FILAMENT (e.g. level 25 requires glowing filament). Bring 5 of every kind to be safe.
  • You will need to complete Doomfire: Ro's Sweatshop [Solo] in order to access the loom on the last island.
  • You will need to collect 40 Firesilk Threads by killing the slugs around ( 376, 62, 203 ) Copy and ( 416, 62, 281 ) Copy, ( 361, 53, 120 ) Copy, ( 362, 53, 71 ) Copy . Threads drop of normal mobs but at an uncommon rate.
  • Do not kill the frog until you have turned in the whole quest done. The Asbestos Warts goes away when you zone to turn in quest, and you will have to do zone again to get it if you wish to make the Hot Hoppers. So leave the frog, turn in quest, go back and kill him to get the Asbestos Warts, then go to loom at end to craft them.
  • You need to kill first 2 named mobs, before the flame horse will let you ride it.


  1. Acquire Flaming Runes of Ro from fire elementals (0/8) by killing the event spawns found nearby or at any event location.
  2. Go to the Dropship Landing Zone in the Moors of Ykesha near the spire and click on the post at ( 1750, 448, 727 ) Copy
  3. Enter the instance Doomfire: Ro's Sweatshop [Solo].
  4. Talk to Girunai331, 109, 441 ) Copy and he will ask you to help
  5. Collect 12 Corilac iron heddles from weaver's supply crates. Not all crates have heddles. Possible crate locations include:
    • 405, 114, 340 ) Copy
    • 381, 99, 294 ) Copy
    • 385, 99, 308 ) Copy
    • 374, 97, 285 ) Copy
    • 368, 97, 277 ) Copy
    • 372, 97, 308 ) Copy
    • 304, 94, 351 ) Copy
    • 354, 89, 265 ) Copy
    • 305, 94, 352 ) Copy
    • 282, 91, 265 ) Copy
    • 238, 94, 285 ) Copy
  6. Return to Girunai331, 109, 441 ) Copy and he will give you the Mended Scorched Doll (Recipe Book). Scribe it.
  7. Collect the four doll parts. You must kill the named in the area to spawn the parts. These will be deposited by searing scavengers along with a message. The first will either be by the loom or on the platform. It is a decent sized object with sparkle effects, although they can be difficult to spot as the whole zone contains sparkle effects, especially around the many looms.
    • Doll leg is by the loom at ( 318, 77, 125 ) Copy
    • Doll arm is on a platform at ( 222, 80, 35 ) Copy
    • Doll body is behind the tower ( -463, 57, 315 ) Copy
    • Doll head is in the nest ( -165, 78, 381 ) Copy. Don't stand on the nest or you will die quickly after receiving a warning in caps "IT REALLY BURNS".
      • Note: The doll parts started appearing for me after the second named was killed. (Someone else said you get one for each named) (confirmed 22/06/24, a group of imps after each named)
  8. Complete the rest of the instance to access the loom.
  9. Repair the doll at the loom. ( -418, 59, -377 ) Copy
  10. Talk to Jacinder-407, 60, -373 ) Copy
  11. Recover Ayonae's Cithara-366, 59, -285 ) Copy
  12. Return to Chandrima in Bucherblock Mountains264, 188, 436 ) Copy


Scorched Sky This article refers to events, personae, items and activities only present in-game during the annual Scorched Sky festivities, which come to Norrath each year, typically in late June.
