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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Destiny of Velious
Journal Level 97 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Epic
Starting Zone Tower of Frozen Shadow more
How to Start Speak to Marpa Coldbrow at ( -22, 1, -47 ) Copy
part of: Coldain Insignia Ring Timeline
Preceded by:
Velium Coldain Insignia Ring
Followed by:
Casting a Long Shadow

What does this information mean?

This quest starts in the x2 version of Tower of Frozen Shadow.


  1. Gain entry into Tower of Frozen Shadow (x2)
  2. Once inside, speak with Marpa Coldbrow, the Coldain Bookkeeper on the 1st Floor.
  3. Defeat the Librarian to open the doors to the outside rooms.
  4. All 4 updates can be found in same room which is down the hall to the right closest to the start of Floor 2 (library). ( -105, 50, 59 ) Copy
    • Portrait (large wooden plank against wall) ( -119, 51, 75 ) Copy
    • Hairbrush (on table) ( -120, 52, 71 ) Copy
    • blue and gold Jewelry (on table) ( -121, 52, 69 ) Copy
    • sonnet (small paper on other table) ( -106, 51, 69 ) Copy
  5. More than likely you'll have to clear the way down the hallway, i.e. the trash mobs that spawn if you touch them.
  6. Report back to Marpa Coldbrow on the first floor.
  7. She sends you to talk to the Dain inside the Thurgadin Throne Room ( 86, -277, 277 ) Copy
    • Note : This can be done in a clear zone.

