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EverQuest II Alternate Advancement Information
AAs » Coercer AAs » Coercer's Coercion line
Coercive Healing Rank (*/1)
Coercion 1 point
Requires 20 Points in Coercion
Enhances the primary specialty healing abilites of a single priest ally. Reactive heals gain an additional healing trigger and additional heal amount, Regenerative heals increase in heal amount, and Wards have increased damage absorption. This spell also enhances the casting speed and reuse speed of benefical spells cast by the ally. OrangeShield
Target Group Friend
Casting 2.0 seconds
Recast 10.0 seconds
Duration Until Cancelled
Range Up to 50.0 meters
  • Reactives: Increases trigger count by 1 and heal amount by 15 percent
  • Regeneration: Increases heal amount by 15%
  • Wards: Increases ward amount by 15%
  • Improves casting speed of benefical spells by 15%
  • Improves reuse speed of benefical spells by 10%