EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
Cobalt Scar Timeline
Recommended Levels 92 to 95
Introduced: LU66
Difficulty: Solo
Starts in: Cobalt Scar
Preceded by: The Withered Lands Timeline
Followed by: Darkness Ascending Signature Timeline, Vesspyr Isles Timeline (Solo), Skyshrine Timeline (Heroic)
Side Timelines: The Eidolon Jungle Timeline, Obol Plains Timeline


  • You MUST BE LEVEL 92 or higher to begin this quest chain. Discovered item quests are possible but very few.
  • Cobalt Scar can be accessed from the Thurgadin Harbor in Great Divide by speaking to the New Combine Flight Master at ( 1278, -540, 306 ) Copy. It's the same flight station used to access The Withered Lands.
  • For tradeskill related solo quests see the Scars of the Awakened Crafting Timeline.

Killing Fields series[]

Field Marshall Vishra[]

Osh, New Speaker of Lodizal[]



Forsaken Othmir Village series[]




Eerie Encampment series[]

Outrider Metinga[]

Outrider Storian[]

Scout Chenka[]

Scarstone series[]

Norg Gorefist[]

Field Marshal Vishra[]

Head Scholar Nabihan[]

Healer Salinca Cheldr[]

  • [100] Daring Rescue - leads to Tindi Wildbranch's quests for good align, Draeth V'Zaar for evil align

Tindi Wildbranch[]

Draeth V'Zaar[]
