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- You MUST BE LEVEL 92 or higher to begin this quest chain. Discovered item quests are possible but very few.
- Cobalt Scar can be accessed from the Thurgadin Harbor in Great Divide by speaking to the New Combine Flight Master at ( 1278, -540, 306 ) . It's the same flight station used to access The Withered Lands.
- For tradeskill related solo quests see the Scars of the Awakened Crafting Timeline.
Killing Fields series[]
Field Marshall Vishra[]
Osh, New Speaker of Lodizal[]
- [96] The Rock - leads to Merrik and Nika's quests, rewards shoulders armor
- [96] Shellfish Ambassador
- [96] The Scar
- [97] Going Home - requires Merrik and Nika's questlines to be completed, rewards fighter/mage/priest 2H weapon, scout fast weapon
- [96] On Edge
- [96] Man-o-War
- [96] Merrik's Mission - rewards plate tank shield, priest shield, mage 1H weapon, scout slow weapon
Forsaken Othmir Village series[]
- [97] Village of the Dead - unlocks Osh's first quest
- [97] The Guts of the Matter
- [97] Camp Defense
- [98] Breaking Bones - rewards forearms armor, unlocks Nika's quest and Osh's 3rd quest
- [97] Boning Up on the Situation
- [97] Ritual of Bone
- [98] Gifts From Prexus
- [98] High Tide - requires Merrik's quest line to be completed, rewards chest armor
- [98] A Salty Breeze - unlocks Eerie Encampment series
- [98] A Solemn Request (Note: Not necessary for Priest Epic 2.0 quest)
Eerie Encampment series[]
Outrider Metinga[]
- [98] Along for the Ride - unlocks Outrider Storian's quests
- [98] Into the Silence - unlocks Scout Chenka's quests
- [98] Eyes of the Forest
- [99] Leaves to Scarstone
Outrider Storian[]
- [98] Storian's Defenses
- [98] Caught by the Tail - rewards ring
Scout Chenka[]
Scarstone series[]
Norg Gorefist[]
- [100] New Combine Defense - unlocks the quest lines of Vishra, Nabihan and Salinca
Field Marshal Vishra[]
- [100] Klangfangled Intentions
- [100] Klangfangled Explosions - starts with Artimus Klangfangle
- [101] Amongst the Awakened
- [101] Force of the Combine
- [101] Tear in the Grotto - requires Completion of "Distraction and Destruction"
Head Scholar Nabihan[]
- [100] Risen Threat
- [100] Rot in the Tides - rewards Navigation Globe access to Scarstone/Cobalt Scar
- [100] Cry of the Siren
- [101] Distraction and Destruction - rewards armor chest piece.
Healer Salinca Cheldr[]
- [100] Daring Rescue - leads to Tindi Wildbranch's quests for good align, Draeth V'Zaar for evil align
Tindi Wildbranch[]
- [100] Trouble in the Timber - This line is for good aligned characters.
- [100] Pine Souls
- [100] Saplings for Spirits
Draeth V'Zaar[]
- [100] Dark Elf in a Dark Land - This line is for evil aligned characters.
- Clues of the Curse
- Necrotic Behavior