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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Eidolon Jungle  (AA)
Introduced Chains of Eternity
Journal Level 94 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Eidolon Jungle more
How to Start Alzilius-2044, 218, 816 ) Copy
part of: The Eidolon Jungle Timeline
Preceded by:
Lost Keys
Followed by:
Shades of Drinal: Puzzle Pieces

What does this information mean?


  1. I must place the two staffs on the pedestals near the Fear Gate.
    • Place the Staff of Fright on the Eye of Fright (south side of the gate).
    • Place the Staff of the Wastes on the Eye of Wastes (north side of gate).
    • Place the runestone in the Runestone Keyhole (west side of the gate).
  2. As I feared, a creature from the realm of Fear has emerged to attempt to stop me! I need to defeat it before it can stop the closing of the Fear Gate!
    1. Defeat The Terrorwight.
    2. Return to Alzilius to complete the quest.

Completing this quest will update Shades of Drinal: Skies of Red.

