"Serris is worried that the pair of drunkards that saw me infiltrate the Seafury Buccaneer's storage cellar will get word back to their leader, Bloodbeak, about what happened. She has urged me to join her infinding and silencing the witnesses or anyone they've spoken to. We know they went straight to the Buccaneers' hideout, so that's where we'll look for them" --Everquest II Journal
Enter the Buccaneers' Hideout on Compassion Road in North Freeport ( -118, -53, -308 ) Copy/waypoint -118, -53, -308
Note: Speak to Serris on entering; she will become a same level one up Berserker that folows you around and sometimes attacks your opponents
"Our daring mission to silence the witnesses was inevitably futile. Siren, a high-ranking member of the Seafury Buccaneers, intervened and apprehended Serris. She suggested I speak to Lasarian Nasin, the leader of the Coalition of Tradesfolke. In an odd twist, Lasarian "thanked" me for my work in disarming citizens and redistributing weapons, as it helped him turn a profit." --Everquest II Journal
At least 1p15g (Scales with quest level; at level 23, 13s2c)