EverQuest 2 Wiki

In-Game Channeler Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA
DissipateImpulse ShotArrow TorrentPiercing CriticalsFocused AssaultBombardmentSnap ShotAgile MovementsPrecisionMobile AssaultMotion AimStone ShapingShield ShapingStamina ShapeHigh FrequencyBufferingDazing InvocationSpiritual ArrowsBreathing TechniquesEssence RevivalEssence RecoveryChip EssenceEnergy ConservationCritical IntelligenceOverloaded InterceptionConstruct's ProtectionMaximized ProtectionShaper AA Tree
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Shaper AAs[]



Strength Tree
Impulse Shot
Arrow Torrent
Piercing Criticals
Focused Assault


Agility Tree
Snap Shot
Agile Movements
Mobile Assault


Stamina Tree
Stone Shaping
Shield Shaping
Stamina Shape
High Frequency


Wisdom Tree
Dazing Invocation
Spiritual Arrows
Breathing Techniques
Essence Revival


Intelligence Tree
Chip Essence
Energy Conservation
Critical Intelligence
Overloaded Interception

Sentinel's Fate[]

Sentinel's Fate
Motion Aim
Essence Recovery
Construct's Protection
Sentinel's Fate Endline
Maximized Protection
source Category:Shaper AAs

In-Game Channeler Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA
Enhance: Marisha Kur's BlessingEnhance: SprintEnhance: Healing ArrowEnhance: Vengeful ArrowEnhance: BarrageEnhance: Shadow BindEnhance: Eye ShotEnhance: Shield of BlackwoodEnhance: Construct's SacrificeEnhance: Channeled ResurrectionEnhance: RepairsEnhance: Burst HealsEnhance: CureEnhance: ConduitsEnhance: Channeled ProtectionEnhance: Vector of LifeEnhance: Sanctuary of DarknessEnhance: Brood CureEnhance: SpeedEnhance: Shadow EscapeEnhance: Cure CurseTechnicianConsume ConstructDownpourMental and Physical FocusBolstered BlessingEagle EyeArrow ArcShadow TrapPoison ArrowTruespirit Reach"Protect Me!"Channeler AA Tree
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Channeler AA Tree[]

First Row
Enhance: Marisha Kur's Blessing
Enhance: Sprint
Enhance: Healing Arrow
Enhance: Vengeful Arrow
Second Row
Enhance: Barrage
Enhance: Shadow Bind
Enhance: Eye Shot
Enhance: Shield of Blackwood
Enhance: Construct's Sacrifice
Third Row
Enhance: Channeled Resurrection
Enhance: Repairs
Enhance: Burst Heals
Enhance: Cure
Enhance: Conduits
Enhance: Channeled Protection
Fourth Row
Enhance: Vector of Life
Enhance: Sanctuary of Darkness
Enhance: Brood Cure
Enhance: Speed
Enhance: Shadow Escape
Enhance: Cure Curse
Consume Construct
Mental and Physical Focus
Sentinel's Fate
Bolstered Blessing
Eagle Eye
Arrow Arc
Shadow Trap
Poison Arrow
Truespirit Reach
Sentinel's Fate Endcap
"Protect Me!"
source Category:Channeler AAs

These are all the Shadows AAs accessible to the Channeler subclass. The different Shadows lines are unlocked as follows:

*Note: Total points includes points spent in all tabs, including all the various lines of the Shadows tab. The required 10 points in the previous line do count towards the total.

AA Tree[]

In-Game Channeler Shadows Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA
Pet of the GodsBountiful FeastAmple HarvestHearty ConstitutionSwift JourneyEnhanced MindSwift StridesLitany of CombatAlly RevivificationPrayer of HealingProtective PrayerSecular ProtectionSeal of FaithSupplication of the FallenBattle FocusMarisha Kur's Combat ProwessSniper's EyeEnhanced RepairsEmergency ChannelsRaining AttacksShaper's ReactionUnnatural HealthDisarming ArrowsProper InvocationBreath of LifeCritical AimCombat FocusPiercing ArrowsFocus of RestorationChanneler shadows AA
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Channeler Shadow AAs[]

Pet of the Gods
Bountiful Feast
Ample Harvest
Hearty Constitution
Swift Journey
Enhanced Mind
Swift Strides
Priest row (Requires 60 Points Spent)
Litany of Combat
Ally Revivification
Prayer of Healing
Protective Prayer
Secular Protection
Seal of Faith
Supplication of the Fallen
Shaper row (Requires 120 Points Spent)
Battle Focus
Marisha Kur's Combat Prowess
Sniper's Eye
Enhanced Repairs
Emergency Channels
Raining Attacks
Shaper's Reaction
Channeler row (Requires 170 Points Spent)
Unnatural Health
Disarming Arrows
Proper Invocation
Breath of Life
Critical Aim
Combat Focus
Piercing Arrows
Focus of Restoration
source Category:Channeler Shadows AAs

These are Heroic AAs that are common to Shaper subclasses.

The third line is unlocked by spending 20 points in first or second line and having 250 total points spent (over all tabs).

The forth line is unlocked by spending 48 points in first, second or third line and having 275 total points spent (over all tabs).

*Note: Total points includes points spent in all tabs, including all the various lines of the Heroic tab. The required points in the previous line do count towards the total.

AA Tree[]

In-Game Channeler Heroic Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA
Attribute ProwessAbility ApitudeSpirit and BodyExpertiseCritical GeniusLightning ReflexesReactionary ShapingEnhanced DissipationFocus of DefenseOnslaughtShatter RainSuperchargeCalm ConnectionShaper Heroic AA
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Shaper Heroic AAs[]

First Row (Requires 200 points spent globally)
Attribute Prowess
Ability Apitude
Spirit and Body
Second Row (Requires 10 points spent in Heroic, and 220 points spent globally)
Critical Genius
Lightning Reflexes
Third Row (Requires 20 points spent in Heroic, and 250 points spent globally)
Reactionary Shaping
Enhanced Dissipation
Focus of Defense
Last Row (Requires 48 points spent in Heroic, and 275 points spent globally)

Note: The first AA purchased in this row costs 2 points. Further AAs in this row cost 20 points each.

Shatter Rain
Calm Connection
source Category:Shaper Heroic AAs

These are Dragon AAs that are common to Channeler.

The first ability in a tree has no requirements.
Each ability below that is unlocked by spending 1 point in the ability above it.
To unlock the last ability 30 points needs to spent in that line.

AA Tree[]

In-Game Channeler Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA

Mental StrengthDauntless SpiritConcentrated RestorationIntent SmitingWuoshi's BarrierDauntless DriveMajestic CastingLitany of DestructionMental RetaliationSturdy ScalesSaving GraceUncontrollable WrathFinal HopeReprieveAncient AlacrityQuickeningWuoshi's RecoveryUndauntedDraconic ReinforcementUnyielding RetributionPriest Dragon AAs
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Wuoshi's Essence Dragon AAs
Mental Strength
Wuoshi's Barrier
Mental Retaliation
Final Hope
Wuoshi's Recovery
Nature Dragon Scales Dragon AAs
Dauntless Spirit
Dauntless Drive
Sturdy Scales
Draconic Regeneration Dragon AAs
Concentrated Restoration
Majestic Casting
Saving Grace
Ancient Alacrity
Draconic Reinforcement
Wild Smiting Dragon AAs
Intent Smiting
Litany of Destruction
Uncontrollable Wrath
Unyielding Retribution
source Category:Channeler Dragon AAs

In-Game Channeler Prestige Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each Prestige
These are Prestige that are common to Channeler.

The abilities in the first line require level 90+.
The left or right line is unlocked by spending 6 points in the first line

Prestige Tree[]

InvigorateFast ChannelDouble NockedChanneler BrainstormHealing BarrageEfficiencyPotent InvocationsTruespirit RiftRift RedirectionHostile RiftMitigating RiftInterception RegenerationHeartseekerSnap ChannelChanneler Critical MasterySeeking CascadeRainArrow BulwarkInvigorating CascadeHawk EyeConduit DissipationShadow ReactionChanneler Prestige
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Fast Channel
Double Nocked
Channeler Brainstorm

Prestige Left Side[]

Healing Barrage
Potent Invocations
Truespirit Rift
Rift Redirection
Hostile Rift
Mitigating Rift
Interception Regeneration

Prestige Right Side[]

Snap Channel
Channeler Critical Mastery
Seeking Cascade
Arrow Bulwark
Invigorating Cascade
Hawk Eye

Prestige Center[]

Conduit Dissipation
Shadow Reaction
source Category:Channeler Prestige

In-Game Channeler Prestige Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each Prestige
These are Subclass Prestige that are common to Channeler.

The first ability in a tree requires level 95+.
The abilties in the second line require 1 point spent in the first abiltiy.
The abilties in the third line require 5 points spent in the abiltiy before.
To unlock the last abilities 20 points needs to spent across line 1, 2, 3.

Prestige Tree[]

Thir'Slaa's ArmorEnhanced VigorGuarded AwarenessImbued SightAccuracy from StrengthUndeniable PowerPower from the SoulModified StrengthMystical RedirectionWeapon of the MindVitality to StrengthSoulshotCloak of DivinityChanneler Class Prestige
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Thir'Slaa's Armor


Enhanced Vigor
Guarded Awareness
Imbued Sight
Accuracy from Strength
Undeniable Power
Power from the Soul
Wisdom Tree
Modified Strength
Mystical Redirection
Intelligence Tree
Weapon of the Mind
Vitality to Strength
Channeler Prestige Endlines
Cloak of Divinity
source Category:Channeler Subclass Prestige
